Shipowner CMA-CGM has decided to end its service to Iran


"Because of the Trump administration, we decided to put an end to the service to Iran," he told the economic meetings of Aix-en-Provence (Bouches-du-Rhone)

"Our Chinese competitors are hesitating a bit, so they may have different relationships with the Trump administration," he added, during a session titled "Is Ethics economic brake? "

The French shipowner had signed in 2016 a memorandum of understanding with the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines to exchange or lease spaces of ships, operate joint shipping lines and cooperate on the use

"I hope we can return to Iran one day"

Asked RTL on the sidelines of the meetings, the CEO of Total Patrick Pouyanné, who had already announced that he would withdraw from a vast gas project in Iran for lack of an exemption from Washington, badured to have no other "choice". [19659006] "You can not lead an international group in 130 countries without access to the American financial world. So, in fact, US law applies and therefore we must leave Iran, "he said.

" A company like ours must respect the laws that apply to us ", so "We have to withdraw." But "I hope we can return to Iran one day," said Pouyanné.

According to him, Total has lost "40 million dollars" because of abandonment of his project in Iran. "At the scale of Total, which invests $ 15 billion a year, it is not much," he said.

Donald Trump announced in early May the withdrawal of United States of the agreement and the reinstatement of sanctions against Iran as well as against all companies with ties to the Islamic Republic.

Washington had specified that the sanctions would be effective immediately for new contracts and had given up 180 days to foreign companies to cease their activities with Iran

(with agencies)

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