SNCF: CGT calls for a new strike on July 27


While the SNCF must publish its half-yearly financial results and several strikers are threatened with sanctions, the CGT calls for a strike Friday, July 27.

The CGT Cheminots has scheduled a new day of strike at the SNCF Friday 27 july, the day of publication of the half-year financial results of the rail group, including to support strikers threatened with sanctions, confirmed Monday management.

The union also called the railway workers to demonstrate Friday morning in Paris, near the train station. North and the place of a meeting of the establishment committee of the branch Maintenance and Works which must examine the case of a striker Nîmes threatened with radiation (dismissal), specified the CGT.

The SNCF mobilizes for the large summer starts despite the strike

Strikers threatened with punishment

This militant of the CGT Cheminots pbaded last week in " disciplinary council in Lyon "for holding a lighted torch" on the platform of the train station of Nîmes, May 14 ", day of strike, explains the union in leaflets.

According to the CGT, the disciplinary council has " validated the sanction requested by the director of establishment of the Infralog " (logistics establishment of the infrastructure branch of the SNCF), that is to say " outright dismissal despite an empty file ". " The repression does not take vacations ," denounced the union, which called to strike and to demonstrate " against injustice ".

A militant from Rennes SUD-Rail is on its side convened Tuesday in disciplinary council in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps (Indre-et-Loire), said his union. The management reproaches him, according to SUD-Rail, for having " hampered the circulation of trains ", on the sidelines of the demonstration of 1st-May in Rennes.

The strike at the SNCF

The strike cost 790 million euros to the SNCF

The CGT Cheminots will again be alone to call a national strike Friday, July 27, as Thursday, July 19 where his movement had only very weakly affected the TER traffic. Only 3.17% of the rail workers had stopped working. The union also plans to demonstrate in the late morning on July 27 in front of the headquarters of the SNCF, La Plaine Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), where meet the supervisory board of the public railway group.

SNCF has already communicated internally the impact of the strike on its accounts for the first half: a total bill of 790 million euros, or more than 21 million euros for each of the 37 strike days of spring (March 22 , then 18 episodes of two days from April to the end of June)

Strike in the SNCF, what badessment?


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