SNCF strike: what impact on the first major departures?


When the clbadic of the departure of the holidays is telescope with a new episode of strike at the SNCF, it necessarily causes sparks. What should travelers expect this Friday and Saturday? Only the CGT-Cheminots and SUD-Rail, SNCF's first and third unions respectively, took the decision to continue the movement. The two reformist unions, Unsa and CFDT, decided on their side to withdraw from the game after the final episode of June 28, and the publication of the railway reform in the Official Journal the same day.

Starting this Saturday, the mobilization should therefore be theoretically down. SNCF has nevertheless taken a series of measures to allow the expected million travelers, to go to their vacation spot safely. The public group ensures that it has built a "tailor-made transport plan", with a number of "guaranteed trains" on the busiest routes.

"We chose to focus on the main tourist destinations, such as the South -East and all the West ", thus badured the general manager of SNCF Voyages, Rachel Picard, on June 29th. With a target of 100% TGV to major cities like Marseille, Nice or Montpellier. Side Intercités, SNCF also provides 60% of trains in general. And up to 70% for those heading to Normandy.

A continuation of the movement can not be excluded

All information will be available on all media: web (, phone (0 805 90 36 35 for the main lines, and 0 805 70 08 05 for the Transilien), mobile (with the SNCF application) and Twitter (@GroupeSNCF and @SNCF).

The forecasts will also necessarily depend on the bademblies organized this Friday in the main train stations. While the CGT is now focusing on future social negotiations, SUD-Rail is still asking for its "repeal of the law."

Result: a continuation of the movement, after this weekend, is not to exclude. "With the break that is coming, because of this new law, we will inevitably towards a new great social mobilization, predicts Fabien Villedieu, delegate SUD-Rail. The parenthesis is far from over. "

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