SNCF: the mobilization of CGT cheminots and SUD Rail slightly disturbs the national network


JT 13H – The CGT cheminots and SUD Rail called for a new strike on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 July 2018. But their mobilization did not affect the entire national network.

The strike launched by CGT cheminots and SUD Rail slightly disturbs the national network. This Saturday, July 7, we count in circulation four TGV on five and four TER out of five. At the Gare de Lyon, no inconvenience has been reported. No delay or cancellation too. The SNCF has particularly favored tourist destinations. The only black spot to report is the surprise strike by Eurostar agents at the Gare du Nord. The details with Anaïs Barth, journalist TF1

This topic was broadcast in the news program of 13h of 07/07/2018 presented by Anne-Claire Coudray on TF1. You will find on the program of the JT of 1 July 7, 2018 reports on current political economic, international and cultural, badyzes and rebounds on the main topics of the day, topics in the regions and surveys on topics that concern the of the French

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