SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy: a little gameplay to explode the mirettes


SNK excites a bit lovers of fighting game by sharing a long session of gameplay of SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy . Here, we can admire various boosted combos that make us want to take a joystick … As you can also see, the player will have to choose two fighters and can switch from one character to another during a clash.

Note that this is a "part 1", another video will certainly be released shortly . For the owners of a Switch, know that the weight of the game was recently revealed. If you wish to see more, the content was presented not so long ago.

The European release date of SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy is set for 7 September 2018. [19659005] vignette editor kabuto rider ” width=”120″ height=”106″/> Martial DUCHEMIN (kabuto_rider)
Assistant Editor – Specialist Japan
Resident in Japan, loves walks in Akiba, maids on the streets, arcades, retrogaming and Street Fighter. My life is dedicated to Dragon Ball. Follow Me :  Twitter GamgerGen  GooGle + More GamerGen

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