Soon a touch screen on MacBook Pro? No, but an integrated AirPower yes!


It's rumored that the next MacBook Pro will be equipped with a touch screen. False!

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<p> Apple has recently filed a patent to equip its future MacBook and MacBook Pro with an integrated AirPower. 19659004] MacBook Pro 2018: a chaotic launch </h2>
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 Apple MacBook Pro 15 256 Gray "title =" Apple MacBook Pro 15 256 Gray "/> </div>
<p>  Apple MacBook Pro 15 256 Gray at the best price </p>
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It is clear that the launch of the new models of MacBook Pro 2018 is a failure. Repeated polemics got the better of this new generation of MacBook Pro, which was eagerly awaited. Indeed, the controversies on the 3rd generation butterfly keyboard and the "thermal throttling" have had a negative impact on the opinion of consumers. In addition, the "hardware" update of these new MacBook Pro 2018 is exclusively reserved for models equipped with "Touch Bar", the new "feature" of Apple. From then on, the Cupertino company finds itself selling high prices for computers with dated performances. Would Apple push to buy on its high-end machines? Or maybe it is to better prepare the arrival of a new generation of machines?

No (yet) Touch Screen on Macbook Pro

Rumor has it that Apple is preparing a version of MacBook Pro equipped with a touch screen. History of spreading the rumor, a patent was published by l 'U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in the day of July 26. Let's cut short the rumors, it is, in this patent, never question of a touch screen. On the other hand, there is the description of an inductive charging device. This device is likely to equip the next generation of MacBook and MacBook Pro. Thus, in the manner of a wireless charger, it would be possible, with this device, to recharge its Apple Watch, iPad and iPhone by simply depositing them on specific areas of the computer.

The AirPower always to absent subscribers

Inductive charging is the next revolution at Apple. While many of its competitors currently use induction charging technology, Apple once again seems to want to do it its way. As such, it will be several months that we are without news of the AirPower, the universal wireless charger from Apple.

The best products Apple

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