Sophia Chikirou leaves Le Média for a "mission" to France Insoumise


Sophia Chikirou, co-founder of the web TV Le Média, announced on Wednesday that she was leaving her position as director of the publication of the Media. The chain had been founded with relatives of insubordinate France, the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon last January.

Sophia Chikirou announced that she joined La France Insoumise (LFI) for a "mission" within the movement , and to resume her activity as a communications consultant in September

"After a year devoted to launching the magnificent project of the Media, I put an end to my position as president of the press company and director of the media. publication du Média ", wrote on the Facebook group of" Socios "(those who have invested in the media) of Web TV the former director of communication of Jean-Luc Mélenchon during the last presidential campaign.

"I accepted the proposal of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Manuel Bompard to take on a permanent contact mission with the Podemos communication teams for the European campaign. I resume my activity as a communications consultant in September, "she said.

Circle close to Mélenchon

Podemos, a left-wing party led by Pablo Iglesias, has joined France Unanimous and Left Bloc to mount common European movement last April

Contacted by Agence France Presse, the psychobadyst Gérard Miller, cofounder of the Media with Sophia Chikirou, had "nothing to say of particular about the fact that Sophia wants to get back on the side of the Rogue, except that for the voter Melenchon that I am, it seems a good idea. "

Sophia Chikirou, who is part of the circle close to the leader of LFI since 2008, she is has become a "centerpiece" of Mélenchon's campaign team, particularly with his communication agency Mediascop, as Le Figaro points out.

A few months after its launch, Le Média has been criticized in partiality or brutality of management, which led to departures, like that of the former ecologist MP Noël Mamère. The TV presenter Aude Rossigneux was laid off in February

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