Steam: Valve presents the best-selling games in 2018


After 13 days of intense promotions, the summer Steam sales will end in a few hours. In parallel, Valve decided to jump on the occasion to reveal to the face of the world the name of the most played games on Steam since the beginning of the year, and especially, the best-selling.

A ranking far from 'to be surprising

At the top of the ranking, in the category "Platinum", we find games like GTA V (unsurprisingly), PUBG Rainbow Six Siege or still Kingdom Come: Deliverance .

As for the titles most played in the last six months, the podium is the same, with the presence of free-to-play as Warframe and Dota 2 .

Side News, Celeste Into the Breach Dragon Ball FighterZ Surviving Mars, Frostpunk Moonlighter as well as Vampyr are part of the games released in 2018 the most solicited by the players.

Finally, for all those who own a VR helmet, Valve recalls that Fallout 4 VR Superhot VR Skyrim VR or Beat Saber appear as the best sales of the sector.

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