According to our colleagues from the NADs, it was residents who gave the alert before the police found the offense. The flag was then removed around 10:30 by the services of the foundation of the Œuvre Notre-Dame. "It's totally disrespectful for the building and dangerous to do this kind of thing" reacted its director, Eric Fischer.
On his twitter account, Alain Fontanel, the first Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg, strongly condemned this action, denouncing "a lack of respect" and an act "dangerous and illegal"
A Rot und Wiss flag was hung on the spire of the Cathedral this night
It's dangerous and illegal + lack of respect on November 11th #centenaire
It will be quickly removed by the agents of the Foundation of Notre Dame pic.twitter.com/fqTaT1qvub– Alain Fontanel (@AlainFontanel) November 11, 2018
The Deputy Mayor (PS), Pernelle Richardot, evokes her a "identity drift pushed by some extremists".
Who hung the banner? The video surveillance images of the cathedral should be exploited in the coming hours to determine the perpetrator (s) of this crime. A complaint should be filed by the state services, who is the owner of the building.
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