Strong rise in drownings in France – 13/07/2018


 Dramatic rise in drowning in France

Dramatic rise in drowning in France

Public Health France yesterday published the first results of the NOYADES 2018 survey. Compared with the previous figures of 2015, the drowning increase is spectacularly, the number of deaths increases sharply in the under six years and, given constant, the mortal risk increases with the age.

Tuesday, a girl of 8 years drowned in an artificial basin on the Loire , to Ingrandes. His mom was gone shopping. The same day, a German man in his fifties lost his life on a Côtes d'Armor beach. Sunday, three children have sunk in a lake Saone-et-Loire, they could not swim … The water is a hostile environment. Admittedly, it also represents and first of all a leisure destination for those who want to relax in the summer. But the human being can find himself very quickly in danger during an apparently innocuous bathing. 32% drowned at sea, 21% in swimming pool … The first results of the survey NOYADES 2018 (1) given by Public Health France recalled yesterday.

Between June 1st and July 5th, it has thus recorded 552 drownings – of which 257 confirmed accidental – on the national territory, 220 more than in the previous survey in 2015 (332). But if these drownings have, for the time being, been followed by fewer deaths than in 2015 (121 against 147), these three deaths – on average – per day come to emphasize again, at the beginning of summer holidays, that drowning remains the first cause of mortality by accident of the life under 15 years old … But also that nobody is at the shelter, a fortiori when learning to swim does not necessarily more of self in a country where this is part of compulsory learning. Thus in Marseille, on the edge of the Mediterranean, where one out of two children can not swim at the entrance to the sixth. Lack of infrastructure and lifeguards in sufficient numbers: the problem is national …

Only 408 pools in 1969 in France: in the early 1970s, the state had launched the ambitious operation of the "thousand pools" and about 700 basins Iris Duckling or Sunflower would host millions of schoolchildren. "But today, these structures are aging, renovation is expensive and the endowment of the state down, so there are many closures", summarizes a head of the Occitan basin, also highlighting the lack of lifeguards – a deficit of 1200 currently in France- and the fact that school teachers replace them closer and closer to basins during school sessions, without having their technical skills. But he points especially to risky behavior. Meal too heavy and watered, alcoholic bathers before taking a dip, pbading from an overheated beach to a still often cold water, with hydrocution, incivism "parasitic security" and especially "the problem of the surveillance of young children by the parents "of which he is the daily witness," whereas the drowning of a child is very fast and is done in silence, contrary to what the adults believe, they do not cry when they are in difficulty … ". [19659005] NOYADES 2018 confirms it in figures with 67 drownings against 50 in 2015 for children under 6, mostly in private pools. But the survey also recalls that the proportion of fatal accidents increases with age: 37% among 65 years and over. The water, the summer, is first of all to be careful.

(1) The NOYADES survey aims to identify all the drownings followed by a hospital treatment or a death, between 1st June and 30th September 2018 in France.

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