Strong thunderstorms: only the Gard remains in orange alertness


After a stormy day in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Occitanie regions, Météo-France has raised the vigilance orange in almost all the 13 departments still concerned. At midnight, this Friday night, only the Gard remains under surveillance (level 3 on a scale of 4.)

Vigilance was lifted in the Ain, Ardèche, Aude, Aveyron, Drome , Hérault, Isère, Lozère, Rhône, Savoie, Haute-Savoie and Tarn. And for good reason: "overall, the storm activity has weakened", justifies Météo-France.

The storm, "very strong currently in the region of Nîmes", should shift slowly towards the East, warns Weather- La France. "In less than an hour, this storm can give 30mm, sometimes with hail," adds the organization, which has decided to maintain vigilance in the Gard "another hour."

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