Suicide of an inmate at Valencia Penitentiary Center


Incarcerated in Valencia since the beginning of the year, the man did not present "any history of suicide attempt", explained the interregional direction of the penitentiary services.

An inmate committed suicide in his prison cell in Valencia on Thursday morning, the Interregional Prison Service Directorate said. Incarcerated in Valencia since the beginning of the year, the man presented "no history of attempted suicide," added the same source. The man in his fifties hanged himself with sheets, says France Bleu Drôme-Ardèche, who revealed the information.

117 suicides in 2017. Opened in 2015, the Valencia Penitentiary Center has a capacity of 472 places. In 2017, 117 suicides were counted in French prisons, a rate of 14.6 per 10,000 imprisoned. According to the International Prison Observatory (IOP), it is about six times more than in the rest of the population.

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