Switch: Joy-Con Zelda and Mario with directional cross announced, hot in front!


Last March, we learned of the arrival of a Joy-Con peculiar to the Land of the Rising Sun, possessing a directional cross; the kind of practical thing, especially for fighting games. Our confreres from IGN have the privilege of announcing the arrival of this little wonder in North America.

First point to take into account, these Joy-Con will be in the effigy of the games The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey . As a reminder, this little toy will not have Bluetooth (unable to disconnect the console so), gyroscope or the famous HD vibrations. And when is all this?

These Joy-Con Zelda and Mario will appear in the North American rays in September. Note that the price will be $ 25. Let's cross our fingers so that everything comes to us …

 vignette editor kabuto rider Martial DUCHEMIN (kabuto_rider)
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