Tarn. An ophthalmologist and pharmacist judged after the death of a patient


An ophthalmologist and a pharmacist from Albi (Tarn) have been sent to the correctional court and will be tried in October for manslaughter. They will have to answer for the death of a 35-year-old patient, who died in 2014 following a prescription error.

Particularly rare, an ophthalmologist and a pharmacist from Albi (Tarn) will be tried for manslaughter on October 16, reports France 3 Occitanie this Wednesday, July 18.

The two practitioners, as well as a general practitioner, had been placed in custody in 2015 after the death of David Combes, a 35-year-old patient from Arthès (Tarn). This father of two had died in 2014 following a serious prescription error

Serial negligence

For Me Jehanne Collard, lawyer of the family of the victim, it is a "Overwhelming succession of negligence" which led to the death of the thirties. David Combes was suffering from an eye infection. He had been prescribed antibiotics and vitamins by the ophthalmologist

The specialist had told him that his problem was probably related to a parasitic infection, toxoplasmosis, which he had contracted in childhood. But according to the lawyer, the ophthalmologist then "deceived between doses" vitamins and Malocide, a powerful anti-parasitic.

A form of self-poisoning

David Combes had suffered "very severe discomfort" but his GP and the ophthalmologist advised him to continue treatment. The condition of the patient has worsened to require hospitalization. Transferred in critical condition to Albi, then to Castres, the patient was finally deceased.

The family of David Combes was constituted civil party. The ophthalmologist and the pharmacist will have to explain themselves next October in the criminal court. In particular, the two practitioners will have to explain "how an inversion of prescription could be both performed by the physician and confirmed by the pharmacist" specifies France 3 .

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