Ten Percent: Will there be a season 4? – News Series on TV


The season 3 of "Ten Percent" has just ended on France 2 and will be available on Netflix from December 12. But is Season 4 already underway?


Contrary to appearances, the last episode of season 3 of Ten Percent, which brings together many guests appeared in previous seasons, embellished with tasty cameos, is not the last lap of the series of France 2. A season 4 is already being written, but the showrunneuse Fanny Herrero, who is also the creator, has chosen to pbad the hand to be able to devote himself to new projects for the mysterious moment. To take over, no less than two writers were solicited: Victor Rodenbach and Vianney Lebasque, co-writers of the series The Great (OCS). As one of them said to him, "it took two boys to take your placeThe difference of one and a half years between each season suggests that the 4th will arrive on our screens in the spring of 2020 …

The last ?

Doubts remain as to the fact that the fourth season of Ten Percent is also the last. That's what Fanny Herrero seemed to tell us a few months ago at the La Rochelle TV Fiction Festival: "I think that the series will not go beyond season 4. That's what we say in the team and it's also a personal taste: I like when a series stops so natural, without being too drained. I do not see Ten Percent as a big fresco. It would certainly always be the same pleasure to write these characters, but we must keep his convictions. I would like to avoid writing mechanically."

Except that in the meantime, the producer Dominique Besnehard, with his tongue still hanging, told our colleagues Pure Media that he was not so sure anymore: "For the moment, we are on season 4 … But people did not understand that I was cunning? I said we would only have two seasons, we have already done three … " In other words, everything is still possible. Until then, we may have seen the Quebec version, and maybe even the British …

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