TEST – Shining Resonance Chorus: What is the Switch version?


Shining Resonance Chorus is available on various platforms, the beautiful Nintendo was also entitled to its small edition. Thus, we looked at this version in order to dissect it and give you our impressions . A title that tickled us or no more? It is therefore time to dwell on this question.

Shining Resonance Chorus on Switch does not have to blush.

So, graphics at the hair? First point that is obvious, the framerate which stagnates in the 30 fps, whether mode TV or Portable . In addition, we noticed slight slowdowns when several elements are displayed in the image but they are not too disturbing overall. We also saw a small aliasing on the sets. The characters, they are well modeled, the rendering is naked.

To enjoy this title on Switch, the developers had to make some concessions. As ? The shadows are less pronounced and some textures are sketchy. Funny thing, this production is thinner, sharper via the dock, than on the small screen of the console. Indeed, in Portable mode environments are slightly blurred. The reason ? Good question …

Sincerely, these imperfections are minimal and do not detract from the experience of the game . Our friends from Media.Vision did a good job, Shining Resonance Chorus on Switch does not have to blush. And then, what a pleasure (or almost) to kill again, and again, and again monsters with our bad in a cafe.

TEST – Shining Resonance Chorus: to summarize in three words, "kill monsters" [19659007] copywriter vignette kabuto rider ” width=”120″ height=”106″/> Martial DUCHEMIN (kabuto_rider)
Deputy Editor – Specialist Japan
Resident in Japan, loves walks in Akiba, the maids in the streets, the arcades, the Retrogaming and Street Fighter. My life is dedicated to Dragon Ball. Follow Me :  Twitter GamgerGen  GooGle + More GamerGen


  • Shining Resonance Chorus in Pocket
  • It's clean overall …

The less

  • … despite the small imperfections


Graphics (in Portable Mode)



Graphics (in TV mode)



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