Thanks to the cloud, Microsoft's revenue exceeds $ 100 billion


Better than expected. Microsoft exceeded expectations by publishing its July 19 results for the fourth quarter and its annual closed at the end of June. Over the year, the Redmond group broke the $ 100 billion turnover mark at $ 110.36 billion (+ 14%), better than expected by the markets. Turnover in the last quarter rose to 30.09 billion dollars (+ 17.5%), also exceeding the consensus of 29.21 billion.

In contrast, the net result is down 35% to 16.57 billion dollars in the year due to an exceptional charge related to the US tax reform at the end of 2017. This has had the effect of changing the presentation of the accounts of American companies. He would have reached about double without this exceptional element. On April-May-June, corresponding to the last quarter of its 2017/18 staggered fiscal year, the computer group posted a net profit up 10% to $ 8.87 billion. Adjusted and reported by share, benchmark in North America, it stands at $ 1.13, above badysts' expectations.

This performance confirms Microsoft's successful move to the cloud (cloud computing). 19659004] "The solidity of our results is a reflection of the accelerated pace of our innovations and the confidence of our customers," commented the boss of the group Satya Nadella, after mentioning "an incredible year". And to emphasize: "Our fast investments in the cloud are paying off, and we will continue to expand our reach in important and growing markets."

Arrived at the controls in early 2014, he chose to refocus Microsoft [19659007] in the cloud, a buoyant market, after the group had missed the turn of the mobile and against the backdrop of a decline in the PC market, even though the market picked up steam again in the second quarter of 2018. Financial Director Amy Hood emphasized for the last quarter "exceptional sales that have allowed double-digit growth in all divisions and solid progress in our strategic business" thanks in particular to the 53% growth in turnover of the "commercial cloud", at $ 6.9 billion

Success of the Azure cloud platform

Microsoft is divided into three divisions, in which are scattered the cloud activities. Thus, its "Smart Cloud" division saw its quarterly revenues grow by 23% to $ 9.6 billion better than market expectations. Azure, a flagship product for businesses, has seen its turnover jump by 89%, better than expected.

"The conjunction of the cloud, a heavy trend that is set to last for years to come, and know-how in execution is the strength of Microsoft who knows how to sell and innovate " Reuters Tom Taulli, an badyst at, comments.

Indeed, the cloud also carries the activity of Amazon, world leader. Its Amazon Web Services division has a turnover of $ 20 billion – still a long way ahead of Microsoft. According to research firm Cbadys, Azure occupies 16% of the total cloud infrastructure market, making it the second largest provider of cloud services after Amazon Web Services.

A "record year" for LinkedIn

Its division called " Productivity and Enterprise, "which includes Office 365 software and the professional social network LinkedIn, saw its revenue grow by 13% to $ 9.7 billion. Satya Nadella mentioned a "record year" for LinkedIn with a quarterly turnover up by 37%.

Finally, the segment "personal computing", which includes including the Windows operating system, the Xbox gaming console or Surface tablets, saw its quarterly revenue increase by 17% to $ 10.8 billion, again, better than expected.

In small Following the publication of the results, the stock continued its rise, taking 3.24% to 108.10 dollars around 2255 GMT in the electronic exchanges following the closing. For the year 2018/19, "given the optimism in IT spending by companies and the growing demand for cloud services, (…), we expect a new year of strong growth in turnover " has advanced financial director Amy Hood, hoping between 27.35 billion and 28.05 billion dollars in revenue in the first quarter alone better than expected as far there by the badysts.

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