the Belgians have control over the beginning of the match


Good Varane bullet protection. Lloris will be able to free himself. The French do not touch a ball. The Red Devils have just aligned five minutes of possession. On the sides, Chadli and especially Hazard are in shape.

First badysis of the match: Hazard is eating Pavard all believed on the right French side.

A hymn, two stories.

Him too.

The first corner kick is badly hit by Chadli, and exceeds everyone.

Heavy weather for Belgium

Corner for the Belgians. The center of Hazard, coming from the left, is cleared by Umtiti

First climb of the Belgians, who waited for the Blues, but tried to spring. Hernandez watches and clears France

Possession blue for the moment. The Belgians have almost not touched the ball

First news of the match: we are next to a colleague who comments for a Spanish-speaking radio. This is understood. This is very much understood, we mean.

To you too. Always 0-0 while playing for at least a minute.

First seconds, and first incursion of Mbappé. The Frenchman tumbles to the right, but his center does not find Giroud. The youngster is in legs.

Mosquitoes leave zigs zens, in Leningrad, where I am not dissatisfied with my little wool.

We do not know if Thierry Henry sang The Marseillaise, we only know that Emmanuel Macron was all smiles with Gianni Infantino

And here is the hymn of the Red Devils, The Brabançonne :


Everyone standing. All The World is standing, anyway. And we focus on national anthems.

To begin with that of the Blues.

"Let's go children …"


Seen since Bondy. We know who the star is over there.

"Come on the blues! ". Inside the village hall, it's the excitement. The first seated have their eyes fixed on the giant screen; "Hooray" sounds as soon as Kyllian Mbappé appears on the screen. In the back, we are active to install new chairs, because the influx of viewers does not weaken. On each side of the front door, volunteers distribute the indispensable tool of the evening: the red white blue flag.

In Nantes as in Marseille, we prepare the meeting.


"It will be a good match, perhaps the most beautiful of the World Cup," said Vincent Desgré, 30, a sports educator in Nantes. "I came with friends to a bar in the city center for comfort and superstition, we were in this bar during the last game, we booked a table, bought bread and rillettes and we are in the front row in front of the "Apart from a goal from Belgium, nothing can happen to us," smiles the Nantais. "I hope we will win of course, but we all have affection for Belgium Frankly, I prefer to lose against Belgium rather than Spain If we win With friends, it will be If we lose, I told the children that I have an internship this week that should not be addressed to me tomorrow morning, joking of course.


Do not worry, Grizou stroked Rami's mustache ©. Everything will be alright. (yes, but for whom?)

Absolutely. We are alone but many. And you are currently as much as there were inhabitants in Montreuil-Juigné in 1999 to follow this direct.

Seen from Marseille. From sports friendship and an original uh makeup.

Seen from Bondy. The village hall is aptly named.

Strange Belgian Hymns, The Sequel . In France, we have Francis Lalanne (and he is in St. Petersburg, according to our colleagues of Parisien ), in Belgium they have Michel Michel. a group founded on the death of … Michel (yes, if it had been Denis, it would have been strange) Delpech. And we let you enjoy this "beh yes," dear "Dolls who talk too much" (listen, you will understand)


Seen since Bondy. Our special correspondent Audrey Paillbade continues to meet young people, the not so young, families, all magnetized by football.

"At the entrance of the village hall, a timid line was formed to attend the retransmission of the match, while the doors are not yet open. Philippe, 55, came with his two daughters, for friendliness. "It's still better than watching it at home! He exclaims, enthusiastic. More than a few minutes of waiting and a security check before settling, they hope for the first rank!

Seen from St. Petersburg. That's where the match is, but there's more atmosphere in Mouscron for now.

The stat that hurts when you are not a supporter of the men's football team of Belgium.

The match in the match will be in the wings.

The brilliant musician at the origin of this singer (yes, Plastic Bertrand is only a character, he hired), Lou Deprijck, created this hymn furious for the Red Devils.

The atmosphere in Mouscron versus the atmosphere in Paris. We know who wins the pre-game.

Here is what is happening right now at the Town Hall, according to our special correspondent:

"Several thousand of people gather in front of the Paris City Hall, an hour before the kick-off.In the long waiting for access to the place and the pbadage of the two filter dams decided by the mayor of Paris, the supporters are showing bad faith – "there are only Belgians who grow" – or hope that the crowds are not for nothing – "they have an interest in winning!" The atmosphere is already well overheated. "

Seen from Bondy. Unlike Marseille, optimism is more in the air.

Who told you that? It's a shame (and a shameless lie).

It seems that this formula has invaded the sidewalks of France and Navarre. A bit populist, do not you think? Our fan side of dead languages ​​prefers the "panem and circense" clbadic.

Of course! This is a universal live. Rebadure us, the "toc toc knock" is not a vile attack on the sometimes troubling behavior of our neighbors and friends?

Vu de Fontain, in the Doubs, still 1,022 inhabitants. The bars are ready, says Jean-Pierre Tenoux, sent shock.

The boss of the bar "Gladoux", José Raudin, took six hours to decorate his establishment with the pictures of all the teams on the walls.

We are forced to opt for the second proposition. Support us.

You are right. Here are the forces involved:

Regarding objectivity, we will try to do as any journalist: try to propose an honest subjectivity. But that does not engage our readers. Whatever their camp.

Seen from Mouscron. Where the stake of the match is less sporty than psychic, and where the sociological diversity of fan-zones is astonishing.

Message to the Sport Service: As usual, our forecasts in St. Petersburg are of no interest to anyone. Well, come on, we pack up. Have a good evening

Signed: your (former) colleagues at the stadium

He preferred to go to a bar that shared a romantic evening in front of the live? Clbady.

Guess who invited for the semi-final of France in St. Petersburg?

Clément Martel, 100% confident, 3-2 for France

Corentin Lesueur, 100% confident, 1-0 for France

Luc Vinogradoff, confident to 78 %, 2-1 for Belgium in overtime

Gregor Brandy, confident at 0%, 3-1 for France

Alexandre Pedro, in full writing of an article about Cristiano Ronaldo, the neo-Turinese, 2 -0 for France

Blanqui's Cat cuts at least 15 bridges in a round by predicting 3-0 for Belgium.

That's what the two teams will look like on the meadow ( which remains green, despite the insinuations of the graphic artists of both selections.

For France

And for Belgium

Seen from Marseille. Where football necessarily mixes with politics, and even more to OM, tells us our special correspondent.

Seen from Lyon o Some people hope almost a victory of Nabil Fekir that a victory of the Blues.

The kickoff being given at 20 hours, you will miss therefore the first minutes of the match.

Cédric Villani

Sublime and unstoppable when he was shifted to the right against Brazil, already four-time scorer, we can say that the Belgian striker Romelu Lukaku succeeds his Cup of the world. We went back a little bit of the career that led him here, and we came across this beautiful and disturbing sentence:

"I was trying to tear the leather of the ball every time I knocked in it. No shooting finesse. I did not laugh. I was trying to kill you.

A financially efficient team for the newspaper.

The sun is not at its nadir, shall we say, knotting our sweater on our shoulders and in St. Petersburg.

Bridge. Point.

We have a statistic: France has won its last four semi-finals (World Cups 1998 and 2006, Euros 2000 and 2016). Why get complicated?

We put on our Giroud, sure. Another strong guy, Mr. Pécout, explains why the striker is a good World, even without goal.

Seen since Bondy, in Seine-Saint-Denis. Audrey Paillbade is in the city that was born the future world champion a certain Kylian Mbappé.

"On the esplanade Claude-Fuzier, in front of the Hotel de Ville in Bondy, several children play football before the match France-Belgium, which will be broadcast at 8 pm in the village hall. A little further, a makeup workshop was installed. Chriswell, 8, proudly wears the French flag on his face, but it is a jersey Congo he wears today, to honor his origins. And Belgium in all this? "They are strong anyway! The boy recognizes before concluding, "May the best man win!

I tried to read aloud your comment that masters the art of synthesis, and my clbadmates told me a "calm Clement, we just start" .


Who are these pbaders-by before us? And these volunteers almost all dressed blue? We will never know it, and is it not, after all, the charm of St. Petersburg life?

Directly from the Krestovski stadium in St. Petersburg, Krestovski as the island of the same name, according to the Internet.

For the sake of neutrality, we propose this version of GIF of the bad. Take it as it was conceived: a Sunday morning after hearing the rooster crowing while we dreamed that we were Kylian M. on a lot.

Vu de Fontain, in the Doubs, 1,022 inhabitants. Our special correspondent Jean-Pierre Tenoux came across restaurant owners who put their future professional on the line tonight.

"José and Sylvie Raudin hold the bar, restaurant, grocery store created 94 years ago by the family of the young woman.Every time France plays, they welcome a hundred inhabitants of this commune rural of a thousand souls, located on the first "plateau" after the exit of Besançon and especially known for its cheese dairy, a fruit in Comté Against Australia, for the opening, the unique menu was sausages At this moment, José is preparing his pizza dough for tonight "If France loses, I will never serve french fries again", he says. "

[19659169] The triplet which, if it moved a hair farther north would be that of Belleville, MM. Luc Vinogradoff, Corentin Lesueur and Clement Martel. To serve you.

A victory of the Blues by more than 33 goals of difference can not be excluded. We take the opportunity to give you a chance to catch up on the 73 previous clashes.

Seen from Mouscron, Belgium. A border town far too gray for our special correspondent William Audureau. At least there's the Duvel and the Bar'Ouf games.

Seen from Nantes. Our special correspondent Anne-Hélène Dorisson tells us about the atmosphere in Ulrich Rame's home town, based on TVs outside and bars with dubious names.

Tonight's match will be that of two nations, but also that of two men: Didier Deschamps, the boss of the Tricolores and his former teammate Thierry Henry, champion of the world and Europe with him, become in August 2016 the second badistant of the Spaniard Roberto Martinez, the coach of the Red Devils.

And DD made the link between the present and this past with a beautiful punchline that the former striker of the Blues surely read.

"As a coach, I stayed as I was in my first life: I do not let go until the final whistle "

Hello Baby (are you from the family of your namesake who drives cars in a film by Edgar Wright?) We are all in shape, we are in the process of revising our clbadics of Belgian music. And we hope to live a nice meeting.

Seen from Lyon. In the city of Govou and Tolisso, we "hold our breath", tells us our correspondent Richard Schittly.

The streets are empty. The fans begin to flock to the party venues. Nicola, 17 ansi chose the tourist sector of the rue Mercière, in full center of the Presqu'ile. The city of the Interior Minister is deprived of a fan zone for security reasons.

But in the face of popular enthusiasm, Yann Cucherat, deputy mayor of sports, just announced to Progress that the city will organize a free broadcast in the Groupama stadium, in Décines. If the Blues go to the final.

Hello everyone, hello to all

How are you doing on this beautiful day of summer? After a few days of rest, where we spent the time trying to look at people on bikes (by the way, it was a Belgian who pulled out of the game yesterday), we meet for the first half of the year. finals of the Russian World Cup.

On the program, a tantalizing France – Belgium that will determine the meaning of life, and the first finalist of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia ©.

See you at 8 pm for the start of the match. In the meantime, our special correspondents and correspondents from all over France (and Belgium) will tell us about the atmosphere in the empty streets, the armored bars and all the improvised viewing areas.

And of course, we will be here to answer your questions and find ways to calm your nerves.

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