The Blues beaten in the final of the League of Nations by Russia – Volley



League of Nations

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First at the end of the regular season, the French were beaten by Russia in the final of the League of Nations on Sunday (25-22 , 25-20, 25-23). ​​

The public at Stade Pierre-Mauroy was not enough. No more than the too solitary exploits of the Blues, like the incredible headline of Jean Patry (see video below). Against an extremely strong Russian team, Laurent Tillie's men could not go home to the League of Nations. There was hardly a match as the Russians dominated their subject (25-22, 25-20, 25-23). First at the end of the regular season, the French leave with the money. Earlier in the afternoon, the Americans finished third.

The incredible gesture of Jean Patry in the League of Nations final #Volley team ?

_ the chain THE TEAM (@lachainelequipe) July 8, 2018

The last French attack was stopped by the Russian bloc to conclude this meeting. The Blues clashed all night at this defense foolproof and lacked a bit of madness in attack to get their opponents out of comfort. They managed a little when, despite eight points behind in the second set (7-15), they came back to a small point (20-21). This crazy comeback was stopped by Russian realism.

The third set was more balanced and the French even led a point or two. They surely felt that they could switch this meeting to the image of what they had faced in Brazil in pool match. The last Russian counter came to stop all hopes. The French team will quickly have to remobilise despite this failure: September 10 will begin the World Championship.


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