The calculation of the APL will change in the first half of 2019


The calculation mode of personalized housing badistance (APL) will be revised in the first half of 2019, in order to make it correspond more updated to the income of the people concerned, announced Monday the government. The "contemporaneity" of the PLA, ie the fact of calculating its amount from the current income of the recipient will be introduced in the "first half of 2019", declared to the AFP the Ministry of Cohesion of the Territories, reacting to information from Echos .

According to the newspaper, the executive plan to change the calculation of the PLA, which is currently determined from the registered income two years earlier, from the very beginning of 2019, but finally decided to wait until April. "There is no postponement, we had never committed to a timetable," badured the ministry to AFP, linking the timetable to the entry into force on 1 January the levy of tax on income at the source. " It is necessary that the withholding tax be already installed to have visibility on the salaries of January, February … and that we can implement the 'contemporaneity' of the PLA", he added.

According to Les Echos the reform must also save one billion euros, with the idea that incomes in early 2019 will be higher overall than those observed two years ago: this would mechanically reduce the amount of aid they are conditioned. Contacted by AFP, Bercy did not give an answer.

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