the company intends to sell a lot of Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5


 Capcom: high expectations for sales of Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5

If there is one thing that Capcom can comfortably rely on, it is its strong licenses. After the tidal wave Monster Hunter World (which has more than eight million copies as we explained to you this morning), remaking such a successful move is not an easy fact: despite everything, the Japanese giant does not lose hope, on the contrary, and focuses essentially on two of his games. You guessed it, this is Resident Evil 2 and Devil May Cry 5, which will put all their balls on the nostalgia. The first is the remake of a cult game released in 1998 and the second is finally following a franchise left abandoned for ten years (except for the reboot). Suffice to say that the target is primarily the community of fans and, according to Capcom, the crowd should be present.

The company has high expectations for two of the major titles it will release next year, in quarter four of the current fiscal year: Resident Evil 2 which was announced at E3 and which made sensation, and Devil May Cry 5, the first game in the series in 10 years, which also aroused strong interest.

To see, therefore, if the two titles will do better than the impressive record of Monster Hunter World, best selling in the history of Capcom, previously held by a certain … Resident Evil 5.

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