The coolness of a bus driver saves his 41 passengers from the flames


Highway Illustration – G. VARELA / 20 MINUTES

The hero was congratulated by firefighters and gendarmes, reports France Bleu. The radio tells the story of this nerve-wagon bus driver who had the good reflex when his car caught fire on the highway.

The bus, which was making the trip between Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint -Denis) and Deauville (Calvados), was on the A13, at Pont de l'Arche (Eure) when the driver of the vehicle finds on his dashboard "the symbol of the battery on fire". "I immediately looked in the rearview mirror and saw smoke coming out of the bus," he tells France Bleu. I was a little panicked but the pbadengers did not have time to realize it because everything went very quickly.

He then falls back on the emergency stop band and asks all the pbadengers to get off. A few minutes later, the bus collapses under the eyes of the pbadengers. "He reacted exactly the right way," said his employer, the manager of the coach company. He made everyone go down, he jumped on the extinguisher, he tried to extinguish the flames! Some pbadengers even had time to recover their belongings in the cargo hold. After two hours of waiting on the edge of the highway, they were finally picked up by a replacement bus.

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