The cumulative amount of the 500 biggest fortunes of France has been multiplied by three in ten years


This Thursday, the magazine "Challenges" publishes the ranking of 0.001% of the richest French. This year, the wealth of the first 500 French fortunes is approaching 650 billion euros. An amount equivalent to 30% of France's GDP. And that continues to increase.

Since the first edition of the ranking, in 1996, the wealth of the richest has increased from 81 billion to 650 billion euros. Since 2008, their fortune has doubled and increased much more than the national production. Especially for the top ten who saw their fortunes quadruple while those of the next 490 only doubled.

The sums range between 140 million and 73 billion. Of the 500, the top 100 fortunes are billionaires. But who are they?

Bernard Arnault tops the ranking

With a fortune valued at 73 billion euros, Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH, is in the lead, by far. The one whose fortune has risen from 18 to 73 billion in 10 years is also, according to the ranking of the Swiss magazine "Bilan", the first in Europe.

The second place goes to Alain and Gerard Wertheimer, owners of Chanel, with a fortune valued at 40 billion euros. Followed closely for the third place, Axel Dumas, owner of Hermes, with 39 billion euros.

With three of the top five companies in the field, luxury is pre-eminent in the rankings, it has a higher growth than all companies, which, for some, are down. The telecommunications and telephony sector, in particular, seems to be affected. Patrick Drahi, founder of Altice, saw his fortune dropped by 40% and lost 4 places in the ranking. He is now 12th with 7.7 billion euros. Xavier Niel, CEO of Free and co-shareholder of the "Obs", also recorded a 40% drop in his fortune and went from 10th to 13th place.

In the rest of the ranking, we find known names. Françoise Bettencourt-Meyers (4th place), Vincent Bolloré (11th place), the Peugeot family (24th place) or Martin and Oliviers Bouygues (28th place) …

The proportion of women is lower, they represent only 39 places in the 500.

Most of the people on the list own several houses in the world, wineries, yatch, sometimes even airplanes. So how to have fun when we can offer everything? "Playing tennis with my friend Roger Federer," says Bernard Arnault magazine.

E. P.


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