the curious expenses of François de Rugy to the Assembly


Whereas in view of the next budget, the government is in full budget arbitration, the professional expenses of François de Rugy are talking to the National Assembly. Its president has indeed surprised the small world of the deputies with expenses which can seem surprising, details Le Parisien in its edition of Monday. But they remain legal, says the daily.

A raclette to celebrate the end of the year . Last December, his cabinet decided to go from 2017 to 2018 to organize a party (in the absence of François de Rugy). For the theme, it is the raclette that is retained. At the Assembly however, no utensil to organize such a meal. As a result, four raclette machines and three sets of eight spatulas are purchased by the presidency. The total amount ? 200.57 euros, pbaded in expense and reimbursed by the National Assembly. For one of the participants at the meal, this expense is "a detail" and to minimize: "it's a simple meal and popular, it's not foie gras."

An elliptical bike 768 euros . François de Rugy, as occupant of the perch, benefits from a housing and a budget budget of € 450,000. He can also, if he wishes, take advantage of the Assembly gym, open from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm But we must believe that this is not enough because last January, he decided to buy an elliptical trainer. And he was then defrayed by the Assembly the amount of this expense, or 768.99 euros. "The schedules of the President of the Assembly are not compatible with the gym, so he had an elliptical, but he will return the bike to his departure," said the entourage of François de Rugy contacted by The Parisien .

The hiring of a third driver . When taking up his duties, François de Rugy had two drivers. Insufficient according to his firm who hired a third. The reason ? "The distances to get to his personal home in Nantes are not the same as those of his predecessor, Claude Bartolone (who lived in Seine-Saint-Denis, ed)," explains the entourage. Another option, that of the taxi, had been discarded. Not for its high price but for "reasons of confidentiality and security". Take the TGV, solution by far the least expensive? This was not considered.

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