The dairy Novandie will remove 180 positions in Maromme and Savigné-l'Évêque


Novandie has decided to remove 118 posts in Normandy and 62 in Pays de la Loire, we learn Thursday. Management wants to reorganize its production due to a steady decline in the consumption of dairy products in France. In particular, the company is developing the Mamie Nova and Bonne Mama brands.

The dairy manufacturer Novandie, a subsidiary of the Andros group, plans to cut 180 positions at its sites in Seine-Maritime and Sarthe, have we learned Thursday with the management and the CFDT.

"This concerns 118 positions in Maromme (Seine-Maritime) and 62 in Savigné-l'Évêque (Sarthe)" detailed Jean-Claude Amand, CFDT union representative

At this point, these two units employ "308 people on permanent contracts" according to him.

Reorganization of the production

"Of this total, 49 positions will be transferred to other sites of the company " said Jean-Yves Hays, CEO of Novandie. "We must adapt our production capacities to market conditions, namely a continuous decline in the consumption of dairy products in France and in exports" he continued. He added that "Novandie had accumulated 160 million euros of loss over the last seven years" .

"Announce this just before the summer holidays, it is simply revolting" commented Jean-Claude Amand, stating "that the Andros group was doing very well and that, moreover, Novandie is returning to equilibrium after a difficult period" . [19659004Accordingtothetradeunionisttheseannouncedredundanciesare "the consequence of poor strategic choices on the part of the company and in particular the opening of an oversized site in the vicinity of Chartres" .

"These job cuts are also the way to make employees pay the fine of 35 million euros imposed on the company by the Competition Authority in 2015, in the case of cartel yoghurt" does he have by They are accused. "It has no connection" Refuted the management

Promises of reclbadification

A general meeting of employees to be held Thursday afternoon on the site of Maromme. "We will discuss the different tracks of struggle" Jean-Claude Amand said

"We will do everything to reclbadify affected people, discussions on the contours of the PES will begin in September" Jean-Yves Hays announced

The Novandie company is developing the Mamie Nova and Bonne Maman brands, as well as distributor products. It has a turnover of 554 million euros in 2017 and employs 1,229 employees on permanent contracts spread over six sites in France.

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