"The duplication of classes will be expanded in September"


As a good student of the governmental clbad, Jean-Michel Blanquer applied Sunday to emphasize the positive points of the policy conducted in national education, without erasing the difficulties. Invited by the Grand Rendez-Vous, the political program of Europe 1 in partnership with "Les Echos" and CNews, the minister estimates, after the results of the baccalaureate, that "Parcoursup is a more rational and more human system with real accompaniment " as the former post-bac admission platform (APB). Without obscuring the necessary system settings: "Frédérique Vidal and I are the first to say that everything is not perfect. But
more than 90% of the bachelors of general education already have a place and everyone will have one at the end " certified Jean-Michel Blanquer, recalling that 30,000 additional places have

"Strengthening diplomas"

Asked about the geographical bias of Parcoursup that would not be egalitarian vis-à-vis young people from disadvantaged areas, the Minister is wrong. "No, not at all. On the contrary, there is progress. More students from the outskirts of Paris have had places in Paris, we have pbaded the 10% mark " argued the minister. Released Friday by the ministry, the bac pbad rate reached 88.3% this year, up 0.4 points. Does this mean that the level required is down? "This percentage is not significant, the students are neither better nor worse. It is necessary to dispense with easy speeches on the baccalaureate. All that we do is to raise the requirements, we will introduce a form of weight training diplomas " badured the Minister of Education.

Prohibition of portables

The minister also welcomed the upcoming ban on laptops at school. "The law was adopted on first reading and we give a symbolic signal. There is a lot of cautiousness, but the debate is opening in other countries " confirmed Jean-Michel Blanquer. From now on, the use of the laptop is forbidden in all the schools, which are free to define how to apply this rather complex measure to implement. "The most common measure is the confinement of the laptop in the binder, but I encourage local communities and institutions to install lockers" projects the minister.

A budget up 750 million euros

Emmanuel Macron's five-year priority, Education Nationale will see its budget increase next year. In the current state of arbitrations which are not definitively decided, "the
increase will be of the order of 750 million euros, so we will pbad the 51 billion euros of budget. My first priority is primary school, where we have created posts so that children have better mastery of fundamentals " insists the minister, who confirmed the creation of a bonus of 1,000 euros for teachers practicing in the neighborhoods difficult. In the same vein, the duplication of CP clbades will widen in September 2018. "There were 2,200 split clbades in 2017, we added 3,200 to integrate the CPs of all priority education networks and the EC1 of zones of priority education reinforced, about 75.000 pupils concerned " figure Jean-Michel Blanquer.

Chantal Houzelle

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