the explanation of the little failures of the return of the Blues in France


THE SCAN SPORT – The day of Monday was enamelled of some hiccups which led to the disappointment of certain supporters present in Paris.

The festival will have turned short. First of all, there was this long awaited parade of the Blues and their staff in the double-decker bus on the most beautiful avenue in the world on Monday. A crowd of 300,000 gathered at the beginning of the afternoon to commune with its champions on the shots of 17:30. The French team finally landed late at Charles de Gaulle airport and did not appear until 19h in front of the Arc de Triomphe. The fans gathered behind the security barriers then thought they had time to enjoy this unique moment. It did not happen. The bus took only fifteen minutes to complete the 1.7 km planned route. Away from the downhill of 1998, when the bus badaulted by the fans could only cover a few meters in four hours. A pbadage deemed too fast by many fans, who deplore a "shabby and ridiculous" situation.

The Blues not responsible, order of the Elysee and precautions of the prefecture of police

According to our information, because of the delay taken upstream at the airport, on the tarmac and during the route to the capital, the Elysee and the police prefecture have decided to shorten the time of pbadage initially planned from 1h to 12 minutes for the descent of the artery. Faced with popular pressure, no risk was taken to avoid the slightest incident of a double-decker bus that ran at a speed of 6km / h. "The vehicle could not slow down or stop," we whispered in the entourage of the Blues.

In the official program, the men of Didier Deschamps had to join the Elysee at the end of their pbadage on the Champs. But faced with the delay taken in the afternoon, decisions were made so that Antoine Griezmann's partners would not be too late at the reception of the Head of State, who had invited more than 1000 children for the opportunity in the palace gardens.

The pbadage through the Crillon, not registered in the official program

This flash parade was unfortunately not the only disappointment of the evening. After their reception at the Elysee, the Blues were expected Crillon for a dinner … private. "It was never planned publicly, says a close of the Blues. The players could go with their family, some did, others not, but it was a private moment, not registered in the official program. False information has filtered through the media. "

Thousands of supporters gathered at Place de la Concorde to watch the appearance of the French team on the balcony of the famous hotel. A first tweet published on the account of the Team of France however worried them. He announced: "The players are at the Elysée and stay there for the evening. No appointment in a large hotel or Parisian palace will follow this appointment. "

The Blues finally stayed at the Elysee dinner, some have gone to Crillon, but in a private setting. Supporters, frustrated waiting in vain, expressed their anger by blocking the traffic and throwing bottles at the police, before being dispersed by the CRS. According to the head of the press service of the Bleus Philippe Tournon, questioned Tuesday morning by France Info "there were different eventualities that were mentioned […] but never it was scheduled to visit [au Crillon] ] ".

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