The family of the victim will become civil party


The drama took place rue des Plantes, Breil district in Nantes / AFP PHOTO / Damien MEYER – AFP

"They have a concern to know the truth". The family of the young man killed by a CRS during a check in Nantes will be civil party, announced this Saturday his lawyer, after the indictment of the police officer and
a new night of tension in the night from Friday to Saturday.

"The family will be a civil party from Monday," said Loïc Bourgeois, who represents the mother and sister of Aboubakar Fofana, 22, from Garges -the-Gonesse (Val-d'Oise). "The family is in a little complicated time. At this stage, we did not have access to any element of the file. We are completely spectators of the discourse of each other, "he added.

Four consecutive nights of urban violence

The death of the young man caused four consecutive nights of urban violence in the" sensitive "neighborhoods From Nantes. Enamelled with car fires, the night from Friday to Saturday was however calmer than the previous ones, according to the police. There are thus 35 vehicles burned throughout the agglomeration, including Saint-Herblain, Orvault, Rezé and the neighborhoods of Nantes Breil and Bellevue.

The police wiped jets of Molotov badtails Breil and in Bellevue and responded with tear gas grenades. A start of fire hit a building of social landlord Nantes Habitat in the Breil district. The police raised their device around 4.30 am

The police officer admitted "an accidental shooting"

In police custody, the police officer admitted to having lied during his first free hearing, during which he he had invoked self-defense.
He now claims to have shot "by accident" on the young man of 22 years, from Garges-lès-Gonesse (Val-d'Oise). He was indicted on Friday night and placed under judicial control.

"Was it self-defense or willful violence? This is not trivial. The family could have been informed, "said Bourgeois. "From the beginning, the family has been informed of what has happened through the media. It is quite painful for them not to have the primacy of information. "

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