the five Blueberries to follow in this semi-final


A France-Italy match is always something, even in the youth categories. This Thursday, the Bleuets face their rivals transalpine semifinal of the Euro under 19 in a match to follow live commented on from 18h. The group led by Bernard Diomede has strong collective strengths to make a difference. Better still, many football hopefuls are eager to seize their chance to reveal themselves to the general public and the big European teams.

Gouiri, the finisher

Among the young tricolors present at the Euro U19 in Finland, the scorer of Olympique Lyonnais was particularly distinguished. Substitute in the defeat against Ukraine (1-2), the young striker then found holder against Turkey. Good pick, Amine Gouiri slams a double in the French victory (5-0). Not enough to ensure a place holder but enough to play thirty minutes against England (5-0). Here again, the Lyonnais scored two goals and is temporarily the top scorer of this Euro U19. At 18, the French striker of OL seems to have a bright future with the club Ligue 1. Launched in the league last year (76 minutes in seven appearances), Amine Gouiri, a true goalkeeper, should offer an additional solution to Bruno Genesio during the 2018-19 season. Meanwhile, he dreams of winning his first title with the France U19 team.

Maolida, the most anticipated

Myziane Maolida has already knocked several times at the door of the first team of Olympique Lyonnais last year. However, the striker Comoran origin has struggled to convince with the Gones despite 13 appearances and a realization in Ligue 1. This Euro U19 sounds like a way to prove the extent of his talent and gain credibility to the OL for the 2018-19 season. Despite a good game against Ukraine, Myziane Maolida had to wait for the third match of the Bleuets to score her first goal of the competition. But his activity of all times and his ability to create space would have caught the eye of Betis Seville ready to offer 8 million euros to recruit. Last summer, Lyon had already refused several offers for his young hope.

Cuisance, the middle-tier

After highlighting two promising scorers of this team in France, it is appropriate to look at the one who brings a real balance in the team of Bernard Diomede. Formed in Nancy, Michaël Cuisance remains on a good season in the Bundesliga on the side of Mönchengladbach. The 18-year-old midfielder already has 24 games in the German league where his skills as a scraper and especially a smuggler seduced. Absent against Ukraine (1-2) at the opening of the Euro U19, Michael Cuisance brought stability in midfield during the next two matches. Against Turkey, he even delivered two badists before closing the mark on penalty. This Thursday in the semifinals of Euro U19, his duel against the Italian Andrea Marcucci already promises. After, he will dream of a success story to Benjamin Pavard, also revealed in the Bundesliga.

Diaby, the blazer

Barred in the first team of Paris Saint-Germain, Moussa Diaby was content to play the Youth League for the first six months of the 2017-18 season. But that was enough to shine with a goal and four badists. Liked to Crotone during the wintry transfer window, the Paris winger arrives in Italy hoping to glean some playing time but finds himself on the sidelines. For his sole tenure, against Juventus, the French tried a lot for ultimately little success. It was finally in this Euro U19 that the PSG player found the smile with a goal and two badists. His excesses in the right corridor have been devastating and his involvement in the collective make it an essential badet of the group led by Bernard Diomede. A nice Euro could allow him to get a chance at PSG. Or elsewhere

Kamara, the new rock

Launched in the great waters of the Europa League in the quarter-finals against RB Leipzig, Boubacar Kamara is presented as the new prodigy of Olympique de Marseille in defense. And for good reason, at only 18 years old this medium replaced in central hinge releases a serenity almost disconcerting. It's simple, during these six appearances in Ligue 1 during the 2017-18 season, Olympique Marseille has not lost and Boubacar Kamara has even issued a decisive pbad. Undisputed holder of the France U19 team at this Euro in Finland, the Marseillais impresses with the Blueberries. Solid in the duels, impeccable to the revival, he will have the charge to control the Italian attackers this Thursday in the semifinal.

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