The former collaborator of Emmanuel Macron indulges lengthily in an interview


Alexandre Benalla accompanied Emmanuel Macron during the 55th Paris Agricultural Show, in February 2018. – Ludovic MARIN / AFP

It was Le Monde which revealed the images of
Alexandre Benalla, on July 18th, it is in Le Monde that it expresses for the first time, this Thursday.
In a very long interview, the former deputy chief of staff of
Emmanuel Macron returns after details on the events that led to his dismissal from the presidency of the Republic last week.

Like his lawyer, Alexandre Benalla believes that this whole affair was mounted to reach Emmanuel Macron. "It's a way of catching the President of the Republic by the colback. I was the entry point to reach it, the weakest link, "he explains in selected words. While he has become a mere 25-year-old person of importance in the presidency, he also thinks he is a victim of a settling of scores: "There are people who can not stand that you are not part of the presidency. club, that you are not an enarch, sub-prefect … I think that if I had such a status and what happened on May 1st, things would have been different.

Benalla in his good right on May 1

On the violence of May 1 highlighted in the videos revealed by Le Monde on July 18, Alexandre Benalla persists and signs.
"Article 73 of the Code of Criminal Procedure: every citizen has the right to apprehend the author of a crime. I do not consider having made an arrest, I apprehended someone and handed it to the police, "says the one who admits to being" too committed ". He also recognizes a "political foul". "I made a political mistake, image, we can qualify it as we want, and to disregard the functions that are mine," he explains.

On the sanctions he received May 2, namely a layoff of fifteen days with a suspension of salary (suspension of which we know today that it has, at least, not yet occurred), he says he observed it well. He confirmed that he went to go green in Brittany with his girlfriend and that he did not set foot at the Elysee until May 22.

"Big stupidity"

On this subject, the hearing of Alain Gibelin, the director of public order and traffic, Monday, before the National Assembly, sowed doubt. The policeman explained that he had seen Benalla at meetings during this first half of May, before going back on his remarks. In the columns of World Alexander Benalla charges him: "He lies, and this is the second time he's lying. He says that he only learned on May 2nd that I was present at the demonstration the day before. This is not true. We had lunch a few days before (…). At the end of this lunch, he asked me if I was still coming on May 1st and if I had received the equipment that I needed to receive.

Finally, with regard to Emmanuel Macron, if Alexandre Benalla judges that he has not betrayed the president, he understands that he has used these words. "Given what this story has triggered, I do not see what other terms he could have used to describe the situation. So inevitably there is disappointment, necessarily that there must be a feeling of betrayal … "Alexandre Benalla claims to have exchanged with Emmanuel Macron about the events of May 2, on his return from layoff. "He says to me:" It's a serious mistake, it's going to be complicated and you have to badume. "He explains to me that it does not take away the trust he has in me but that I made a big mistake .

>> Read also: Follow the last twists in the case of Benalla here

>> To read also: "The security of the President can not share", estimates the former boss of the GSPR

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