the judges' inquiry is complete


The judges in charge of the investigation of the supposedly fictitious jobs of the wife and children of François Fillon have notified this Friday, October 19 the end of their investigations, according to concordant sources, confirming information of BFMTV.

It is now up to the national financial prosecutor's office to give its opinion on a possible trial of the ex-right-wing presidential candidate in 2017 before the final decision of the judges.

François Fillon was re-heard in early September, at the financial center of the tribunal de grande instance of Paris, after the police gave the judges their summary report this summer.

Penelope Fillon also indicted

The PNF opened an investigation after revelations of the "Chained Duck" on January 25, 2017, which proved to be fatal for François' candidacy Fillon. Favorite party in the race at the Elysee, he was finally eliminated in April in the first round.

Today withdrawn from politics, the former prime minister is indicted for embezzlement of public funds, complicity and concealment of abuse of corporate property and failure to report to the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life.

Penelope Fillon has been indicted for complicity and concealment of misappropriation of public funds, complicity and concealment of abuse of property, concealment of aggravated fraud.

By indicting the candidate's wife – after François Fillon and his former deputy Marc Joulaud – the judges considered that there were also "serious or concordant indications" concerning it.

(Alain Bommenel, Paz Pizarro / AFP)

The Obs

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