The launch trailer of La-Mulana 2 gives pride to the adventure


The long-awaited sequel to La-Mulana offers a launch trailer that will make you want to tread in moldy ruins, bad in hand.

Indiana Jones X Dark Souls

After being funded over Kickstarter more than four years ago, La-Mulana 2 finally comes out. To celebrate, Nigoro exposes the ambitions of his hardcore platformer in a launch trailer.

The first La-Mulana was released exclusively on Wii at time, before being worn on PC following its success. The recipe: no tutorial, an exploration of the non-linear game of more than platform phases twisted puzzles and perverted traps . It is Indiana Jones but with the side good child of Spielberg less.

One should find all that made the success of the first episode in this La-Mulana 2 , where the player embodies the daughter of the first heroine. Still no tutorial on the horizon and is added to it boss's fighting ruthless .

Nigoro announces that it will take between 20 and 30 hours of play for to discover all the main mysteries of the ruins of Eg-Lana and that the liberty of action of the player is preserved .

La-Mulana 2 is available on PC.

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