the lawyer of a victim of the Hyper Cacher lays an appeal


Is Djamel Beghal out of prison? This figure of French jihadism, who is serving a 10-year prison sentence, must be expelled to Algeria on Monday. But the lawyer of a victim of the Hyper Cacher filed an appeal against the release of the one whom some consider as the mentor of Amedy Coulibaly, the author of the attack, and that of the Kouachi brothers, behind the Attack against Charlie Hebdo .

"He is an individual who knows the Kouachi brothers very well," says Axel Metzker. "Therefore witness number 1 will be expelled from France, he has things he has to reveal to the French justice and the civil parties have questions to ask him."

"Beghal worked with al-Qaeda"

In 2005, the 52-year-old Algerian citizen was deprived of French nationality. France has obtained Algeria that it recovers, at the price of intense negotiations between the two countries. A decision all the more incomprehensible for the lawyer that the investigation of the attacks of 2015 is still in progress:

"For the moment, those who bought certain weapons have been detained, but those who gave ideas, those who have indoctrinated the Kouachi brothers? ", he questions. "Once again, Beghal worked with al-Qaeda, the ones that caused the World Trade Center in 2001. How can we forget all that?"

Djamel Beghal was sentenced in 2013 for a terrorist escape project Smain Ait Ali Belkacem. Already in 2005, he had been sentenced for "badociation of terrorist criminals". He is not currently worried by the justice for the attacks of Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Hide. In an attempt to prevent him from leaving French soil, Metzker badures himself that he will be ready to lodge a complaint against the jihadist for complicity in murder if his appeal is rejected.

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