The Lille metropolis will test the shops on trial


The MEL will test the shops on trial (illustration). – SIPA

A stop-gap solution. At its last meeting, in mid-October, the European Metropolis of Lille (MEL) decided to embark on the adventure of the device
"My shop on trial". The expectations are twofold: fight against the "
devitalization of city centers "and allow commercial project developers to get started.

The concept of a trial shop does not come from the MEL. But as all good ideas deserve attention, the Metropolitan Council has agreed to set foot in it. The idea is to allow a person who has a business project to put him to the test in real life, or almost. In a commercial space vacant, and for a period of six months renewable once, the apprentice trader will try to make viable his idea without too much constraints. Indeed, the device allows, among others, to benefit from moderate rents, loans of honor or loans at zero rates.

Choose a project and accompany it

All the communes of the MEL who wish it will be able to benefit from "my shop with the test". Once they have made themselves known, they will have to identify and list the vacant commercial premises on their territory. Then, it will be necessary to contact the owners to negotiate an interesting rent, the terms of the agreement being recorded in a charter signed with the federation of the shops to the test.

Each local will be the subject of a call for applications and a commission will decide on the selected project. The wearer will then be accompanied during his installation. A way to give the product a chance. And, if it works, the budding trader may be offered a longer lease. Note that in addition to the city centers, the device is also declined in neighborhoods in politics of the city under the name "My shop, my neighborhood".

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