The London Spitfires win the Overwatch League Grand Final |


The South Koreans of London Spitfire did not tremble to become the first winners of the Overwatch League in history against Philadelphia Fusion.

This Grand Final started on the night of Friday to Saturday with a first match won 3-1 by London Spitfire against their opponents, the Philadelphia Fusion. But we had to win another on Saturday night to make their championship title.

And they did not do things in half, because if they had conceded a map the night before, they were this time- They imposed on the net score 3-0 in front of a white-hot crowd that had gathered at Barclays Center in New York to cheer the two best Overwatch teams in the world.

Last January, at the launch of this first season of Overwatch League, this victory of London Spitfire could have made sense since the South Korean team was considered one of the great favorites of the competition.

They had also confirmed their status from the Playoffs of the first Stage they had won. But the players struggled to maintain this level and despite several roster changes they had not managed to do better than ninth place in the final standings of the regular season.

So they had arrived at the Playoffs with an outsider status and were close to elimination after losing their first quarter-final match against the Los Angeles Gladiators 0-3.

But that's when a the team was on the scene again and they became the steamroller that was expected in early 2018. They thus reversed the trend against the Gladiators with two games won 3-0 to pbad in half where they had needed only two games to beat the other Los Angeles team, the Valiant.

That's how they managed to reach an unhoped-for Grand Final against the other underdogs of the competition, the Philadelphia Fusion. It only remained to conclude in beauty to finally lift the trophy, which they did not leave any chance to their opponents.

They pocket by the way a pretty reward of 1 million dollars. You can find below the final ranking of these Playoffs of the Overwatch League S1.

Rank Team Cash Prize
1 London Spitfire $ 1,000,000 [19659016] Philadelphia Fusion $ 400,000
3/4 New York Excelsior $ 100,000
3/4 Los Angeles Valiant $ 100,000 19659016] 5/6 Boston Uprising $ 50,000
5/6 Los Angeles Gladiators $ 50,000
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