The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century will take place on Friday


So no, the Moon will not be as big as Mars as we explained to you here. But Friday, we will indeed be able to attend the longest lunar eclipse of the XXI e century.

As a reminder, the phenomenon of lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon meets the shadow of the Earth. The latter can extend up to 1.5 million kilometers in space. If the phenomenon is rare, it is because the moon eclipse is visible only when the moon is illuminated and aligns with the sun and the earth. This phenomenon can generally be observed over a large part of the Earth, that located outside the shadow band of a total eclipse. Moreover, if the eclipse of the Sun requires the wearing of protective glbades, the lunar eclipse is a sight that is savored with the naked eye.

During the XX e century, the The longest lunar eclipse was observed in 2000 and lasted 106.4 minutes (1 hour 46 minutes). This time, it will take nearly 103 minutes (1:43) to the moon to cross the dark side of the Earth. The phenomenon will be broken down into several stages: in France, entry into darkness will occur at 19:14, the beginning of the partial phase at 20:24, the beginning of the total eclipse at 21:30, the maximum phase at 22 h 22 and the end of the total eclipse to 23 h 30. And to close it all, the end of the partial phase will occur at 00 h 19 and the moon will leave the penumbra at 1 h 28. Also, by informing the city in which you will be on Friday, this site offers even more precise viewing times.

What will be the best observation points?

On Friday, more than half of the planet will be able to watch the show. the eclipse recalls from Liberation Pascal Descamps, astronomer at the Observatoire de Paris . "The best points of view will be in Africa, particularly in East Africa, Madagascar, Reunion, on the Indian continent, but also a part of Northern Europe. In France, we will not see it in its entirety, but in its second half. "

In the Hexagon, Corsica and the Riviera have been identified as the regions where we will benefit a better vision of the phenomenon. Of course, this will not prevent us from observing the eclipse in the other French regions, especially where the sky will be cleared.

A maximum approach of planet Mars

Not content to attend a lunar eclipse, another, rarer phenomenon will take place before our eyes: the opposition of Mars, which occurs every two years and forty-nine days. "The alignment of the Sun, of the Earth and the Moon will lead to the eclipse . By extending this axis, we come to the planet Mars: then a physical alignment in the space of these four objects occurs, explains the astronomer. And to specify: "At this moment, Mars will be opposite to the sun in relation to the Earth. That's what we mean by opposition. "

In addition, the opposition is when the distance between Mars and the Earth is minimal. If several types of oppositions exist, and more or less Mars closer to Earth, Friday, the red planet will be particularly close to ours. "We will have a distance of just over 57 million kilometers, knowing that the smallest distance observed is 50 kilometers. It is therefore a great opposition, a phenomenon that occurs only every fifteen years. "

If the volume of Mars will not be more important than the ordinary, its coming closer to the Earth will improve our vision of the planet. "When we observe the eclipse, we can clearly distinguish Mars, which will appear as a very bright and red point, slightly to the right and below the Moon."

Margaux Deuley

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