The magazine "Point de Vue" bought by Pinault and Stéphane Bern


The weekly Crowned "Point de Vue" was sold by Altice to Royalement Vôtre, a consortium that includes Artemis, the holding company of the Pinault family, and Stéphane Bern, announced this new company Thursday. 19659002] Royal Yours Editions was founded and chaired by Adelaide de Clermont-Tonnerre, managing editor of Point de Vue, and also brings together the investment companies Audacia, founded by Charles Beigbeder, and IDI.
"Fort support of these new shareholders, the magazine will continue its development by reinforcing in particular the digitization and the internationalization of its diffusion ", indicated Adélaïde de Clermont-Tonnerre in a statement.

stable sales since the year last. The magazine, which had seen its sales fall in France for several years, managed to stabilize them last year: they grew by 0.3% to just over 152,000 copies on average, according to CMPA figures . "Point of view" has the particularity of having many readers out of France, with 41,000 copies sold abroad on average.

"Refocusing its activities". Altice announced at the end of March the plan to sell "Point de Vue" to refocus its activities in print on a few titles, the most emblematic of which are L'Express and Libération. Artemis already owns in the press and publishing the weekly Le Point, the financial information group L'Agefi, and the publisher Tallandier.

Point of View, weekly dedicated to the news of the crowned heads and the Gotha, had been founded at the Liberation. It was bought after a few years by his competitor Images du Monde. He then merged with the latter and took the name of World Pictures Point of View, which he will keep for several decades. The group of Patrick Drahi, who had bought some twenty titles from the Belgian group Roularta in 2015, sold one of the most profitable, L'Etudiant, last year, as well as several titles of the professional press.

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