The Minister of Transport comes to speak opening up in Limoges


There will be Wifi in intercity trains between Limoges and Paris in 2019 … Here is what travelers will remember the visit of Minister of Transport Elisabeth Borne today in Limoges.

Time side There will be no major improvement in the route: the government representative announces a travel time of 2:49 in 2025, thanks to the ongoing modernization work on the axis.
A renewal of the trains is also planned.

The Minister recognizes the modest time savings, but for her, the essential is elsewhere:
"The challenge is to return to the best time course, it is not necessarily to beat speed records, you need comfortable trains, good frequencies, regularity. "

Regarding the Limoges-Poitiers road link, there is no upheaval either, but the idea of ​​a conceded motorway is making its way. :
"The actors s of the territory want a highway concession to be studied. I agree. A steering committee will be put in place at the beginning of the school year. "

As for the plane, the public service obligations towards Paris and Lyon had already been announced.

This ministerial visit therefore only provides confirmations, and the road to opening up seems still very long.

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