the mysterious augmented reality headset arrives this summer


We now know more about the commercialization and technical details of the Magic Leap One augmented reality headset that took six years to develop.

Last December, Magic Leap unveiled his augmented reality headset that was much talked about for several years without it is clear whether it was part of the Arlesian or a technological revolution able to reshuffle the cards. After a few long months of silence, the Florida-based company, which managed to raise $ 2.3 billion (€ 2 billion) for this project, has finally announced concrete for the launch of its Magic Leap helmet. One. This will be done in the course of the summer in the United States.

No precise date for the moment, but it is known however that the product will be distributed exclusively by the operator AT & T with which an agreement has just been sealed. Regarding the price, Magic Leap has released nothing more than its initial indication that the headset should cost at least as expensive as a high-end smartphone. Based on the price of a iPhone X or a Samsung Galaxy S9 +, the Magic Leap One could be worth between 1,000 and 1,500 euros, at the very least.

In a long video presentation via the Twitch platform (which can be seen again on YouTube ), developers in charge of the project delivered some technical elements on the hardware and software configuration of their headphones of Augmented Reality . We learn that it uses a NVidia TeCV2 (19459009) system on a chip ) which incorporates two 64-bit ARM processors from the Denver family. The operating system is a hybrid creation that includes 64-bit Linux as well as borrowings "to other systems" that are not mentioned. However, we still do not know what is the autonomy of Magic Leap One or how it manages the execution of applications (locally or via the Internet offers three types of basic services: … "data-image =" "data-url =" / tech / definitions / internet-internet-3983 / "data-more =" Read more "> Internet ?).

This montage by the site Road to VR compiles all the excerpts of the Magic Leap demonstration. One diffused yesterday by Magic Leap © Road to VR

What about the real field of view?

The presentation was punctuated with excerpts of demonstration of the operation of the helmet We discover a game putting in scene a golem that l 'installs' in the real world with finger-pinching gestures, visual cues tell where you can insert the o The character comes to the environment in a credible way, sometimes on the floor, on a sofa or the kitchen worktop (see the video above).

We note that the headset detects not only the movements of the hands, but also the movements of the user. When the golem throws a rock in his direction, he can avoid it by stepping aside or blocking it with his hand. It will be up to video game and application developers to make the most of these capabilities. The demonstration is quite convincing, but remember that it has been prerecorded and it is unclear whether or not it has been embellished. Remember that Magic Leap had admitted to having used special effects for some of his previous demonstrations.

One of the outstanding issues is the real field of view of the Magic Leap One, which will necessarily be limited to a frame. The same question arose with the demonstrations of Microsoft's HoloLens sunglbades that suggested total immersion while vision in real conditions was more limited. Regarding the Magic Leap One, we should not delay to learn more about this and the operation of the helmet as soon as it is released on the market.

What to remember

  • Magic Leap has finally announced the commercialization of its augmented reality helmet Magic Leap One in the course of the summer
  • The technology exploits the diffusion of the luminous fields to entangle the virtual objects in reality.
  • Many questions remain unanswered as to the functioning and the real interest of this technology.

Augmented Reality: Magic Leap unveils mysterious glbades

We now know what Principles glbades look like and how augmented reality works
The technology works through a terminal that films the real world and … "data-image =" / d / a / fdab5e9e2f_10171 8_reality-increased.jpg "data-url =" / tech / definitions / reality-increased-reality-increased-3963 / "data-more =" Read more "> augmented reality on which Magic Leap plank in secret for several years. Their release is scheduled for 2018, the version being reserved for developers. But we still do not know exactly how they work or how much they will cost …

"Finally! exclaim in chorus the titles of press following the presentation of the glbades of augmented reality of Magic Leap. It is indeed six years since this company based in Florida (United States) works in the biggest secrecy on a technology promising to mix the virtual and the real in a natural and harmonious way.

Although she did not provide absolutely no tangible detail during all this time, the company managed to raise near 1.9 billion dollars from prestigious investors like Google and Alphabet
Since August 2015, Google has become the subsidiary from the parent company Alphabet. This … "data-image =" "data-url =" / tech / definitions / internet-google-3987 / "data-more =" Read more "> Google Qualcomm, Alibaba or the Warner Bros. studio and all that with only a few demo videos, some of which had special effects!

Magic Leap still revealed its product, but only in photos via its website. The Magic Leap One are therefore a pair of glbades of augmented reality connected by a cable to a circular case the size of a portable CD which clings to the belt and contains the electronics required to process the data sent by the eight the space domain, a stellar sensor is an optoelectronic device for the orientation of satellites. " data-image = "" data-url = "/ tech / definitions / sensor-technology-8460 / "data-more =" Read the definition "> sensors built into the front of the spectacle frame. It is unclear whether this package will allow the Magic Leap One to run completely independently or if it will require a wireless connection to a cloud computing platform .

The Magic Leap One have a restricted display, such as the HoloLens

The device comes with a wireless controller with a touchpad that will be used to navigate and interact with virtual interfaces. It is impossible for now to know exactly how these glbades work and are used since Magic Leap only provided photos. Let's remember that the display technology used is that of the light fields (the whole of the light). The white light
The wavelengths of the visible light range from about 380 nm (violet) to 780 nm (red) The visible spectrum is … "data-image =" "data-url = "/ sciences / definitions / physics-lumiere-326 /" data-more = "Read more"> light comes bouncing on the objects of our environment) diffused at different levels of depth, which allows to harmonize the virtual display of objects in 3D with natural light for a realistic rendering that is not tiring for the function of the brain
Located in the cranial box, the brain is the seat of the higher functions (cognitive functions, senses, nervous responses ) and it is therefore an essential organ that ensures the regulation of all … "data-i mage = "" data-url = "/ health / definitions / biology-brain -3125 / "data-more =" Read more "> Brain .

In an interview with the magazine Glixel of Rolling Stone Rony Abovitz, the founder and boss of Magic Leap, explained that the heart of the technology was based on a partial rendering of the total light field that corresponds to what the human brain is able to process. Magic Leap claims to have succeeded in isolating the portion of the signal that is actually useful to the brain: the cerebral cortex, located under the meninges, the kidney: the renal cortex is the part … "data-image =" https: // "data-url =" / health / definitions / medecine-cortex-3186 / "data -more = "Read more"> visual cortex The principle is a bit like what is done for music with the MP3 format, which only restores part of usually of a temporal frequency f, connected to the period T (expressed in s) of the phenomenon observed by the following formula: f = 1 / T.
It is also possible to … "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-frequence-3940 / "data-more =" Read more "> frequencies audio.

Still, we still do not know what the use of these Magic Leap One. The description made by the journalist of Glixel evokes a Function of the window
The window has several uses: to provide an exit in case of evacuation, a means of communication towards the outside, aeration of a house …
The … "data-image =" messac-blue-room-02.jpg "data-url =" / home / definitions / house-window-10681 / "data-more =" Read more "> window display whose dimension is about the size of a VHS tape held with a half-taut arm, so it would be close to HoloLens from Microsoft, whose field of view is also limited The design of Magic Leap One is however less imposing.

The interest of the developers will be determining

Concretely, what can make these glbades? r Internet with multiple windows open all around at once, shopping online by looking at 3D products in all directions, chatting with friends, whose avatars will be in the room, and, of course, playing games. video games that will use the scenery The theories established by physics apply in well-defined frames.
Physics … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5.futura-sciences. com / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 8/9/6 / 896f032c90_91933_physique-def.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physical-physics-15839 / "data-more =" Read more "> physics as support

One of the interesting points put forward by Magic Leap is that the system is able to memorize the location of virtual objects by creating a replica Is said, as opposed to badog, the representation of data or physical quantities by means of characters – usually numbers – and at ssi systems, devices or processes employing this … "data-url =" / tech / definitions / computer-numeric-584 / "data-more =" Read more "> digital of the physical environment. If, for example, a virtual vase is installed on its coffee table, the vase will appear in this place each time we reconnect.

But, for the most part, the applications remain to be invented. This is the reason why the Magic Leap One will first be reserved for developers, who will be able to acquire a copy from next year on an undetermined date. The other unknown is the price of this equipment. In short, still many question marks for a technology that seems a little less revolutionary than announced.

Augmented reality: the mysterious technology of Magic Leap

Article initial of Marc Zaffagni ] Released on 10/27/2015

Founded in 2010, the Magic Leap Company is working in the utmost secrecy on an augmented reality technology that seems compelling enough for Google, Qualcomm and perhaps soon the Chinese giant Alibaba invest hundreds of millions of dollars. Beyond the two official demonstration videos, some more concrete information allows to get a better idea of ​​what is preparing this young shoot.

Two demonstration videos published on History of YouTube videos
It was created in 2005 by three … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5.futura-sciences. com / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 9 / f / 9 / 9f96d36564_108457_you-tube.jpg "data-url =" / tech / definitions / internet-youtube-16495 / "data-more =" Read more "> YouTube So far all that Magic Leap has shown to the general public of its Augmented Reality technology, yet this innovative young company founded in 2010 has already raised more than $ 590 million last year (534 million euros at the current price) from investors as important as Google, Qualcomm, the legendary Entertainment studio or Weta Workshop, which is owes the special effects of the trilogy of Lord of the Rings And it would only be a beginning.

According to the information of the sit e Re / code the Chinese giant Alibaba could put 200 million dollars on the table (181 million euros at the current price). The South Florida Business Journal claims that Magic Leap is in the process of negotiating a new round of fundraising that could reach $ 1 billion. Dizzying numbers knowing that the young plant has not delivered any technical details or launch date for its product. If investors who chose to rely on this technology have probably had access to more concrete information, the media and the general public must be content with videos, it is true rather impressive.

This is the second official demonstration video released a few days ago by Magic Leap. Unlike the first, it was filmed directly from the augmented reality device and without special effects. © Magic Leap

The second video was shot without special effects

The first video released last March on YouTube features a video shooter whose action takes place in a real environment in which the expression "robot …" data-image = " -01.jpg "data-url =" / tech / definitions / robotic-robot-8433 / "data-more =" Read more "> robots emerge from the four corners of the room. , which had been done with the help of Weta Workshop, left a doubt about the effects and Magic Leap technology.It's the same situation with augmented reality glbades HoloLens [19459008ThedemonstrationsorchestratedbyMicrosoftdonotpresenttheexactfunctioningoftheproductbutavisionofthetypeof.

The Magic Leap company went a little further to convince. A few days ago, she released a second video demonstration, stating that she had been shot directly from her device and without special effects of any kind. In the sequence, we discover a magnificent animation of the Solar System observed from the point of view of the person using the Magic Leap equipment. The rendering is indeed quite impressive and suggests what such a system could bring to fun, educational or professional applications. But what do we know about this technology named Digital Lightfield that its designers call " biomimetic " ?

More than 150 patent applications

If no official information has filtered, the start-up, the digital and the biotechnologies
The … "data-image =" https: // en / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / d / 6 / e / d6eab33032_90352_shutterstock-stock-rocket.jpg "data-url =" / tech / definitions / tech-start-up-15740 / " data-more = "Read More"> start-up has filed more than 150 patent applications at the US Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ) that provide some clues. According to the drawings and diagrams in these documents, the equipment consists of a helmet or glbades connected to a portable housing equivalent to a mini-computer which contains the necessary electronics and power supply, which would explain the level of performance. system that would rely on a more powerful hardware configuration than equipment that integrates components directly into the s glbades or headphones.

With regard to the projection device, it consists of displaying a multitude of images in front of each eye ​​ by means of two Principle and use of the headlamp
inside the projector, the light is concentrated in a determined solid angle … "data-image =" /c4fc497e39_50037560_bundesarchiv-bild-101i-113-0005-33a-2c-nordeuropa-2c-k-c3-bcstenbatterie-2c-scheinwerfer.jpg "data-url =" / home / definitions / house-projector-10867 / "data- more = "Read more"> Miniature projectors that send the signal on Season of the lens
The lens is harvested in August, but keeps dry throughout the year . It can be consumed in any season.
Nutritional qualities … "data-image =" /3493e5d719_50035863_lentille-dr-02.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / botany-lens-7665 / "data-more =" Read more "> lenses transparent which reflect it directly on the Retina In parallel, a camera is distinguished between the near infrared of 0.7 to about 0.3 microns, the average infrared of 3 to 25 microns, the far infrared, of 25 microns up to to 0.1 mm. " data-url = "/ sciences / definitions / infrared-physics-1011 /" data-more = "Read the definition"> infrared similar to the Microsoft Kinect is responsible for modeling the space for objects are perfectly integrated with the real world. According to the description made by the Technology Review of the MIT ( Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology ), the system of Sciences of Matter
Action to spread in such a way as to to reach a uniform state; result of this action. In the case of light, reference in all directions to … "data-image =" 8 / 4686984e83_50034253_reflexion-diffuse-en.jpg "data-more =" / sciences / definitions / physics-diffusion-1020 / "data-more =" Read more "> broadcast Magic Leap would intricate Perfectly with the ambient light, so that our visual cortex would make almost no difference between virtual and real objects.

The numerous patent applications filed by the Florida-based company also suggest that the device will rely on a platform of cloud computing that will manage some of the information processing to serve specific applications, for example Magic Leap will recognize actions and objects to deliver contextual ads. it is a question of detecting the state of emotion l of the user using facial recognition and artificial intelligence to adapt the display accordingly.

All this is very ambitious but it is necessary to relativize. Patent applications are used above all to cover all possible use cases in order to defend its intellectual property in the face of competition. This does not mean that what is described will necessarily happen … Magic Leap may show great mastery in organic matter, nitrogenous matter, etc.
There are different families like:

organic matter, which constitutes living beings (animals or plants) or … "data-image =" /e/7/0/e70ccaaf4a_91935_matiere.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / matter-matter-15841 / "data-more =" Read more "> matter communication, she is going to get a little deeper into the subject by showing concretely the reality of its technology, which for the moment remains very virtual

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Magic Leap, a giant step towards reality interactive augmented lity Augmented reality consists of displaying virtual information in the real world via a smartphone or glbades, for example. Magic Leap has been working for several years on this amazing technology. Here is an overview of their latest advances in video.

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