The naval base of Cherbourg prepares its metamorphosis


Cherbourg-Octeville, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, France

The Vice-Admiral of Squadron Pascal Ausseur prefect of the Channel and North Sea, takes stock in this 14 July 2018, National Day, on the projects concerning the sector of Cherbourg. Activity has increased sharply over the last three years on the Channel and North Sea facade (19459009) with the "clbadic" operations of rescue at sea -1500 interventions per year- but also the management of the terrorist threat and all the police missions at sea and the increase of the traffics like that of the migrants

"There is a significant reinforcement in human resources" precise Pascal Ausseur © Radio France
                            – Jacqueline FARDEL

Faced with this increase, there have already been new posts and it will continue until 2021. In total, l has created 250 posts is planned on the period 2016-2021, 80% of which in Cherbourg.

A population to be accommodated: 180 million euros will be invested in infrastructure especially for these newcomers, housing and also sports facilities and training centers. [19659007]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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