The number of dead on the roads again down in June


Paris – The number of dead on the roads of metropolitan France has again strongly declined (-9.3%) in June with 294 killed, 30 less than in the same month last year, announced Monday road safety.

After a sharp decline in May (-8.4%), these figures confirm the downward trend in road mortality in France, which began in 2017 after three consecutive years of increases. They are published two weeks after the introduction on 1 July of the controversial speed limit of 80 km / h on 400,000 km of secondary roads.

In total, 306 people lost their lives on the roads, and 6,923 were injured, a figure also down, according to provisional estimates of the National Interministerial Observatory of Road Safety (ONISR). .

For the metropolis alone, the first half of 2018 is down 6.1% compared to the same period in 2017, with 100 people killed less.

Since 1 July, two-way roads without a central separator (barrier, median …) have been limited to 80 km / h, and no longer to 90 km / h, with the aim of reducing number of people killed on the roads.

This is 400,000 kilometers, or 40% of the French road network.

Since the announcement of this measure in early January, badociations of motorists, motorcyclists, but also parliamentarians and local elected officials of all sides have rebelled against this provision, multiplying the actions and petitions, without making compromise the government.

" The objective is not to annoy the world, the goal is to make sure there are fewer deaths and fewer serious injuries " , had hammered at the end of June Edouard Philippe, recalling the " terrifying human cost " of the road accidents which made 3 684 dead and 76.840 wounded in 2017.

According to the government, lowering the speed of 10 km / h will save up to 400 lives per year, thus reversing the long-term road mortality curve which, after reaching a historic low in 2013, had a worrying rebound between 2014 and 2016. [19659010] [ad_2]
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