the opposition as a whole suspends its participation in the Assembly's inquiry


"I will not let anything go." Guillaume Larrivé, co-rapporteur Republicans (LR) of the commission of inquiry of the Assembly in the Benalla affair was very rebadembled since Wednesday evening. The reason? The refusal of MEPs LREM to expand the hearings to clarify the case of the name of this collaborator Emmanuel Macron filmed hitting two demonstrators on 1 May. Thursday afternoon, not getting satisfaction, the right-wing elected to action by announcing that he "suspended his participation", before leaving the room.

The co-rapporteur LR Guillaume Larrivé "suspends his participation "in the commission of inquiry into the case #Benalla .
The deputies La France Insoumise and the deputies The Republicans do the same, denouncing "a total failure" and "a parody."
>> #directAN [19659004]

– LCP (@LCP) July 26, 2018

Read also – Macron on the Benalla affair: "I will not look for fuses"

elected PS, rebellious, communists and the RN do the same

"I ask the question: does the Elysee wish to torpedo the work of our commission? I believe it, I fear it. I think that instruction was given to the members of the group En Marche to rush the preparation of a real-false report ", he launched, before calling" to stop blocking the work of the commission ", become according to a" parody " ". With him, the other deputies Republicans members of this commission suspended their participation, followed by the rest of the opposition.

Even before Guillaume Larrivé, the insolent MP Eric Coquerel had announced the suspension, regretting the fact that the commission "went round in circles" with the second audition of the prefect Michel Delpuech. "The deputies of insubordinate France demand the resignation of the president of the commission of the Laws [Yaël Braun-Pivet] and the organization of new hearings by the commission of inquiry, on the basis of the proposals of the opposition groups", indicates the movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in a statement.

Socialist and communist elected representatives as well as non-registered MPs of the National Rally of Marine Le Pen also suspended their participation in turn. The president of Debout France Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, also unregistered, had slammed the door of the commission on Wednesday.

The @AssembleeNat is prevented from conducting in a pluralist way the work of the commission of inquiry #Benalla . The truth can not be sought and delivered to the French (es) under these conditions. The deputies @socialistesAN can not condone and suspend their participation.

– Groupe Nouvelle Gauche (@socialistesAN) July 26, 2018

# Communiqué The eagerness of the deputies #LREM prevents the manifestation of the truth, the @deputesPCF are forced to suspend their participation in the work of #CommissionInquete . #DirectAN #AffairsBenallaMacron

– Communist Deputies (@deputesPCF) July 26, 2018

By blocking all requested auditions and preventing the commission of investigation to make emerge the truth, LREM disgraces itself.
We will not participate any more in this unworthy maneuver. MLP #BusinessBellanaMacron # InquiryCommission

– Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) July 26, 2018

"The Inquiry Committee of the Assembly is dead tonight", has for its commented on the chairman of the "constructive" UDI and Agir group, referring back to back the "political postures of certain oppositions" and "stubbornness and the desire to lock up its president".

The hearing of the counselor of the Elysee Ismael Emelin claimed

"The opposition wanted a media platform," reacted Yael Braun-Pivet, who says "proud" of the work done. "The Law Commission with investigative powers will continue to function," she said on BFMTV. For the majority, it was "useless to hear other members of the cabinet of the President of the Republic and the Minister of the Interior". The Republicans thought, on the contrary, that it was necessary to schedule new auditions. Guillaume Larrivé wants to summon Ismael Emelin, Emmanuel Macron's close badociate, who has had the video surveillance tapes showing Alexandre Benalla striking demonstrators on May 1.

Between the two co-rapporteurs the inquiry commission of the National Assembly, the tension has been high for several days. Yaël Braun-Pivet believes that by asking for new hearings, Guillaume Larrivé and his colleagues "privilege [nt] a polemical and political approach that aims to take advantage of the current far from any concern for the truth." "In three days, we interviewed eight people including the Minister of the Interior, the highest officials of the police headquarters and, exceptionally, three officials of the presidency of the Republic," she said. According to the Yvelines MP, the hearings already conducted have shown that the President and the Minister of the Interior have "no connection with this case".

A Macron "monarchical drift", according to LR

Statements that annoy the opposition. On Wednesday, the tension was already rising with accusations of "obstruction" on the part of Guillaume Larrivé. At the hearing, the co-rapporteur took the floor to denounce the lack of "consensus" on the list of people to audition. The member had submitted a list of names a few days ago. According to him: "I consider that this is obviously a dysfunction of our commission of inquiry, and as co-rapporteur, I will not accept that this commission is hampered and obstruction on the part of a majority to the orders of the Elysee. "

The co-rapporteur continued Wednesday night to point the finger at the Elysee, directly implicating Emmanuel Macron. According to him, the president would have "given [é] orders to stifle the truth", he badured on BFM. "Emmanuel Macron wants to stifle the commission of inquiry of the National Assembly by prohibiting us to hear under oath the general secretary of the Elysee, Mr. Alexis Kohler, who is the line manager of Mr. Benalla", again accused the deputy of Yonne.

Since then, Alexis Kohler has been heard by the Senate on Thursday morning. But the controversy does not run out of steam on the Republicans side. For Christian Jacob, we are witnessing here a "monarchical drift" by Emmanuel Macron. His group said Thursday evening to AFP have tabled his motion of censure against the government, announced Tuesday to compel him to "explain" the case Benalla.

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