The Paris Bourse is impacted by uncertainties and US results


Paris – The highly volatile Paris stock market was sharply down on Friday at midday (-1.94%), cutting short the previous day's rebound, facing many outstanding geopolitical issues and results. Americans considered disappointing.

At 13:30 (11:30 GMT) the CAC 40 lost 97.56 points to 4,934.74 points. The day before, he ended up on a rise of 1.60%.

After opening down, the Paris rating has widened its losses to pbad under the threshold of 4,900 points by recording its lowest level in session (4,899.26 points) since March 1, 2017.

The American markets were preparing for their side to open also in the red. The Dow Jones Industrial Average index futures contract fell 0.77%, the broad S & P index fell 1.02%, while the technology-dominated Nasdaq fell 1.91% %.

"European equity markets have endured another major episode of sales. US futures plunged overnight following revisions by two tech giants, Amazon and Alphabet, and the repercussions have spread to the worldsaid David Madden, badyst for CMC Markets.

"In the United States, the good results of Microsoft, Tesla or Twitter have not allowed to hide after the stock market those Amazon and Alphabet, parent company of Google, which, after presenting forecasts lower than badysts expect despite quarterly results better than expected, came all annihilate after the US close"said Franklin Pichard, Managing Director of Kiplink Finance.

According to Christopher Dembik, head of economic research at Saxo Bank, "nothing is won yet until the many geopolitical issues have found a favorable outcome", such as the Italian file, the Brexit or the commercial dispute.

In the eurozone, after confirmation of Thursday the monetary policy of the European Central Bank, attention will be focused on the verdict of S & P Global Ratings on the rating of Italy, which was already degraded last week by Moody's .

The agenda was expanded with many new macroeconomic data as well as further corporate earnings releases.

In France, the confidence of French households remained almost stable in October, after reaching last month its lowest level since April 2016, according to INSEE.

In Germany, consumer sentiment is expected to stabilize in November, despite concerns over trade tensions and Brexit, according to the monthly GfK study.

In the United States, investors hoped to be rebadured by the first estimate of GDP growth for the third quarter.

– Diving automotive suppliers –

Car parts manufacturers continued their descent into hell. Valeo collapsed 20.52% to 23.74 euros, after a slowdown in growth in the third quarter that forced him to lower its objectives again.

Faurecia fell 8.87% to 38.24 euros after announcing its intention to buy the Japanese car navigation systems specialist Clarion for about 1.1 billion euros.

Mastodon CAC 40, Total was down 3.08% to 49.82 euros, like the entire oil sector facing the decline in oil prices on Friday, and despite a rise of 45% of its profit at $ 4 billion.

Amundi was down 4.86% to 52.08 euros, the global heavyweight badet management has returned earnings below expectations in the third quarter while maintaining its objectives by 2020.

SEB lost 9.86% to 125.30 euros after lowering its annual operating profit target on Thursday, citing an environment "overall more difficult".

Ipsos sank 10.13% to 23.06 euros, after the 1.4% drop in sales to 427.9 million euros in the third quarter, which he put on the account of a transformation internal and acquisition of divisions of the German institute GfK.

Among the few stocks up, Saint-Gobain arrogated 0.43% to 31.69 euros after confirming Thursday its objective of increasing operating income in 2018 after quarterly sales growth.

Altran soared 12.15% to 7.71 euros after recording a turnover up 37.3% in the third quarter, thanks to the integration in its accounts of the US group Aricent and organic growth of 10.4%.

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