the policeman suspended and placed in custody


The sanction did not take long. A trainee police officer was suspended by Gerard Collomb and placed in custody on Thursday, July 12, a few hours after the revelation of a video showing him hitting an inmate inside the Paris tribunal de grande instance.

Indeed, CCTV footage, lasting almost six minutes, shows this custodian of the peacekeeper then hitting a man who was to be tried in an immediate appearance for theft. The video was revealed on the internet by

The Paris public prosecutor's office opened two investigations: one first for "acts of violence by a person in charge of public authority" and "false ", and another for "fraudulent introduction into a system". automated data "due to the extraction and dissemination of CCTV images. These two investigations were entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), the "police of the police". In the early evening, the Minister of the Interior Gerard Collomb announced the suspension of the police officer in question .

"Unacceptable behavior" according to the Department of the Interior

"The Minister of State has read this day the existence of a video exhibiting violent behavior and inadmissible a guardian The Minister of State condemns in the strongest terms this inadmissible behavior which is detrimental to the image of the entire security forces " the Interior Ministry said. "Consequently, he immediately decided the suspension, as a precautionary measure, of the official in question, pending the conclusions of the judicial and administrative inquiries," he added. The facts took place on June 9 according to the website

The video shows a man who appears to be refusing to return to his cell. After about 45 seconds of hand-to-hand combat, the peacekeeper escorts him to the ground and handcuffs him. He violently returns to his cell, before kicking him while he is on the ground and handcuffed under the gaze of two of his colleagues who came in reinforcements and then away the policeman.

Increased violence attributed to police officers

According to the site, created in 2015 after the stop of "Là-bas si j'y suis", a famous program broadcast by Daniel Mermet broadcast on France Inter between 1989 and 2014 , it is a police officer who transmitted them the video to denounce these actions. According to the recently released IGPN report for 2017, investigations into volunteer violence against police officers increased by 6% over 2016.

Opened to the public since April 16th, the TGI of Paris is located in the district of Batignolles (17th arrondissement) after having moved from its historical site on the Ile de la Cité which it occupied for several centuries. [19659009] The Editor Recommends You

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