the policeman suspended and placed in custody


CCTV footage, lasting almost six minutes, shows this peacemaker physically attacking a man in handcuffs and on the ground.

 The events took place in the premises of the new court of Paris.

In the video broadcast on the Internet, he is seen hitting a detainee handcuffed in the back and on the ground. The trainee police officer, who perpetrated violence on the grounds of the Tribunal de Grande Instance (TGI) in Paris, was suspended by Interior Minister Gérard Collomb and placed in police custody on Thursday, July 12.

Minister of State has taken note today of the existence of a video presenting a violent and inadmissible behavior of a peacekeeper trainee within the premises of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris. The Minister of State condemns with the utmost firmness this inadmissible behavior which is detrimental to the image of all the security forces.

CCTV images, lasting almost six minutes, showing this peacekeeper physically attacking a man who was to be tried in an immediate appearance for theft had been revealed, a few hours earlier. , by the website

Two inquiries opened

The public prosecutor's office of Paris had opened two investigations in the wake: a first for "violence per person depositary of public authority" ] and a second for "Fraudulent introduction into an automated data system" due to the extraction and dissemination of CCTV images. The investigations were entrusted to the Inspectorate General of the National Police (IGPN), the "police of the police" .

The facts took place on June 9 according to, this confirmed to Agence France-Presse a source close to the investigation. According to the site, created in 2015 after the stop of "Là-bas si j'y suis", a famous program broadcast by Daniel Mermet broadcast on France Inter between 1989 and 2014, it was a policeman who transmitted the video to them. denounce these actions.

See also:
                The number of deaths and serious injuries by police now recorded

Violence up 6%

According to the recently released IGPN report for 2017, investigations into police-reported acts of violence increased by 6% compared to 2016. In the professional context, account for 19% of incidents committed in police premises, particularly during the course of police custody or detention (10%).

See also:
                Police use of firearms has risen sharply in France in 2017

Opened to the public since April 16th, the TGI of Paris is located in the district of Batignolles (17th district) after having moved from its historical site on the Ile de la Cité which it occupied for several centuries. [19659014] [ad_2]
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