The poverty plan postponed for the World Cup? Opposition denounces "cynicism" of the government


The government's decision to postpone the Poverty Plan at the beginning of September has provoked strong criticism from the opposition. The Élysée invokes delays caused by arbitration issues. According to France inter, it could rather be a problem of agenda Emmanuel Macron, in case of qualification of France in the semi-finals of the World Cup football. The Secours Catholique reminds us that "poverty does not wait."

The government's decision to postpone the introduction of the poverty plan, initially scheduled for early July, prompted a wave of criticism from the opposition, which denounced "cynicism" and sense of priorities of the executive

A few hours after the announcement of the postponement of the reform of the hospital, the Elysee confirmed Wednesday that the presentation the government's strategy to fight against poverty was postponed to the start due to arbitrations still in progress.

Telescoping with the World Cup

According to France Inter, this decision would be linked to a question of timing and possible telescoping in the event of qualification of France, Friday, for the semifinals of the Football World Cup. During a trip to Russia in May, Emmanuel Macron had badured that he would come back to support the French football team, if it qualified for the semi-finals.

"We learn, what which is nevertheless quite dismaying, that the plan against poverty is rejected because there is no media niche for the President of the Republic to express himself and, as there is the football match, we will the plan on poverty in the fall " declared the president of Republicans (LR) Laurent Wauquiez on CNews Thursday morning.

" I dare to hope it (that there is another reason) because it is so representative of this all-communication that has settled " he added.

The day before, the spokesperson of the party Lydia Guirous had denounced on Twitter « the cynicism of Macron " which " is still expressed through the postponement of the report on poverty.

"Knowing that he will have no visibility, he prefers to sacrifice the fundamental file of poverty. The Republic of Inequalities In March! had she written.

Macron's cynicism is still expressed through the postponement of the report on poverty. Knowing that he will have no visibility, he prefers to sacrifice the fundamental file of poverty. The Republic of Inequalities In March!

– Lydia Guirous (@LydiaGuirous) July 4, 2018

"Bread and games"

Even indignation on the left, especially in the ranks of France insubordinate who denounced the sense of priorities and a "double standards" on the part of Emmanuel Macron, which remains perceived by a majority of opinion as the "president of the rich" .

"Even when he throws brioche crumbs on the pbadage of his coach the poor must wait and wait! For the billions of the rich, it is always in the urgency " denounced the LFI deputy François Ruffin on Twitter.

All that can relieve people, I take. But even when he throws crumbs of buns on the pbadage of his coach the poor must wait and wait! For the billions of the rich, it is always in urgency.https: //

– François Ruffin (@Francois_Ruffin) July 5, 2018

"'Panem and circenses'. Bread and games sufficed to hold the people according to the Roman emperors. Emmanuel Macron has decided: the bread will wait " Benoît Hamon, founder of the Générations movement and the unfortunate candidate of the Socialist Party in the presidential election, abounded.

" Poverty does not wait "

At Secours Catholique , it's time for questioning. "Everything was ready. I do not know what are the reasons for this postponement " said its president, Véronique Fayet, on RCF. "Poverty does not wait: there are urgent measures to take"

Wednesday morning, before the announcement of the postponement, the Catholic Relief announced that it was waiting for "a real shock of participation so that the poorest are really heard and badociated with public policies.

In France, the poverty rate rose from 14.2% in 2015 to 13.9% in 2016, according to INSEE, which counts 8.7 million people living under the poverty line monetary – that is 1 015 euros per month.

"I hope that (the plan of the government) will be ambitious" said the general secretary of Force ouvrière (FO) Pascal Pavageau on France Inter Thursday. "The goal, […] is that it is a victory for redistribution and solidarity and that we move on to additional, more efficient mutual badistance, for this 14% (of the poverty rate) to fall to zero " he added.

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