The "rapist of the Sambre" admits 25 new facts of rape and sexual assault


Married and father of three, Dino Scala had already been indicted in February for 19 acts of rape and badual badault, as part of a criminal investigation opened in 1996.

Investigations continue and the list of his victims is growing longer. Dino Scala, nicknamed "the rapist of the Sambre", has recognized 25 new facts of rape and badual badault before the investigators of the Interregional Directorate of the judicial police of Lille (DIPJ) in the framework of a police custody end of June, says a source close to the file, confirming information of Point . The 57-year-old worker had already been indicted in February for 19 other similar cases. According to the weekly, the police have at this stage heard 44 alleged victims of rape and badual badault, who denounce facts that occurred between 1988 and 2018.

This case has occupied the police and justice for more 20 years old. At each attack, the victims described the same procedure: he acted very early in the morning and attacked his prey from behind, wearing gloves and his face concealed. A judicial investigation had been opened in 1996. Despite DNA records, testimonies collected and dozens of arrests carried out, nothing had stopped the one that the investigators had nicknamed "the rapist of the Sambre", the name of this valley in which this serial rapist raged.

"Impulses he could not control"

But last February, a new badual badault committed on a 16-year-old girl, early in the morning in Belgium, relaunched investigation. Thanks to a cooperation with their Belgian counterparts, the French police are informed of this affair and recognize the mode of operation of their man. "It was not the first time a case alerted the investigators, but this time it was the right one," says a source close to the investigation. Thanks to the CCTV images that filmed the suspect's car and his license plate, the judicial police manage to go back to Dino Scala.

On February 26th, this cleaning agent who worked in Jeumont, near the Belgian border, was arrested at his home in Pont-sur-Sambre, a small village of 2500 inhabitants in the Nord department, and placed on guard at sight. Faced with the investigators, he spontaneously admits to having made "forty victims", acting, he says, under the impulse of "impulses he could not control," according to the prosecution. Two days later, the suspect is indicted but for only 19 facts since the judicial investigation opened in 1996 bore "only" on these cases. He is then placed in pre-trial detention.

Careful scouting

Since then, Dino Scala has been heard by the investigating judge twice, once in March, another time in mid-June. "He is questioned on the merits, file by file (…) It is in a logic of collaboration and responsibility, it does not run, it answers the questions of the magistrate", said Me Jean-Benoît Moreau, who was, until recently, the suspect's lawyer.

At the end of June, Dino Scala was again taken out of his cell to be interrogated by the police. According to Le Point the suspect allegedly gave new details about his procedure and described himself as a "hunter" who carried out minute searches, which could last several days before attacking his victims. It should be convened soon by the magistrate of Valenciennes, for a possible second indictment.

On the other side of the border, Belgian justice investigates for its part on eight cases in this case, according to the prosecutor of Charleroi Vincent Fibade: that of the aggression of February 5 which led to the arrest, and seven other reopenings for possible offenses attributable to Scala, between 2004-2009. DNA comparisons will confirm this

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