The reform of the independent regime on the rails


Deleted on January 1st, the RSI must progressively integrate into the general social security system.

Visiting Olivet (Loiret), Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Solidarity and Health, and Gérald Darmanin, Minister Action and the Public Accounts, set up on Tuesday the Supervisory Committee for the Social Protection Reform of Self-Employed Workers. The RSI, which was very dissatisfied because of its repeated dysfunctions, was abolished on 1 January and must gradually be integrated into the general social security scheme, after a transitional period of two years.

The two ministers made a first positive badessment of the first six months of implementation of this reform. They recalled their commitment to supporting staff (the RSI had 5,500 employees) throughout the reform, as well as the maintenance and continuous improvement of the quality of service to the self-employed. 19659003] Since the beginning of the year, the latter have been able to benefit from new services, such as the possibility of paying contributions by credit card or information and simulation of their retirement.

New Offers

In the second half of 2018 and in 2019, several offers will be launched or tested in the field of recovery and retirement, for active self-employed persons, but also retired. The reform provides for example the modulation of the installments of contributions in real time. A new version of the website is planned for November.

The two ministers also recalled that this reform has had no impact on contributions, which have even decreased for three quarters of the self-employed. In 2019, the self-employed creators of their business will also benefit from a blank year of contributions, they said.

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