The Rhône's PS calls the elected members of the city council to let Gérard Collomb


Gérard Collomb now wants to focus on Lyon City Hall. – J. Saget / AFP

  • The PS of the Rhône federation calls the elected socialists of the city council not to re-elect Gerard Collomb November.
  • The latter, however, have indicated that they would support the former Minister of the Interior.

This is hardly a surprise. The Departmental Federation of the Socialist Party in the Rhone called to boycott Gerard Collomb. In a statement released Saturday, she asked elected officials of the majority of the Lyon City Council, do not "bring their votes" to the former Minister of the Interior, who intends to take his chair at the head of the town hall.

An extraordinary municipal council, planned for this purpose, is to be held on November 5th. And the city has enough support to regain its seat. The majority groups, namely the Socialists, Lyon Gauche Solidaire, the centrists and the Greens, confirmed five days ago that they would vote for him to "continue their commitments made to the Lyonnais in 2014".

In front of this sling, the Departmental Federation of the Rhone, which hopes to convince the bad apples of Lyon, recalls its "deep disagreement, both in substance and in form "with Gérard Collomb, who left the party to commit to the Republic in March and support Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign. And to speak of "ideological break with humanist and leftist values".

"Lyonnaise and Lyonnais deserve better"

"He returns between Rhône and Saone by a game of musical chairs to claim a position he has already held for 17 years, thus considering Lyon as his barony. It is in our eyes the reflection of practices of another time: the Lyonnaises and the Lyonnais deserve better ", estimate the militants in a statement.

The latter, however, say they are not fooled by Gérard Collomb's choice not to present himself under the LREM label for the 2020 municipal elections.
"Attempts to stand out from the politics of the President of the Republic and his party driven locally, remember, by his wife, Caroline Collomb, are false pretenses," they add.

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