The salty expense notes of the Force Ouvrière executives


Hotels, planes, rents, trains and current expenses … In FO's confederal office, the annual amounts of the expense reports are turning out, according to confidential documents spread over three years, of which we have been informed. In 2017, the thirteen members of the management, led by Jean-Claude Mailly, left a slate – paid by the union – of € 388,683. On average, € 29,898 per person over one year! Especially for housing: eight of them, who do not live in Paris, have been reimbursed rents, up to € 1,800 per month.

€ 50,000 for Pavageau, € 34,000 for Mailly

The biggest spender last year? A certain … Pascal Pavageau, who was then secretary-general in charge of the economy and already in an unofficial campaign to run for the position of number one. Its bill amounted to € 50,836.05 (against € 33,827.95 in 2015 and € 49,263.49 in 2016), including approximately € 12,000 rent. The rest: SNCF trips, some flights, but especially not detailed fees each month. Around € 3,200 in January, € 2,700 the following month, € 2,300 in March, € 3,000 in April, etc.

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In addition to his salary of € 100,334.63 gross all-inclusive in 2017, Jean-Claude Mailly was reimbursed for € 34,306.27, an amount similar to those of previous years (€ 35,058.45 in 2015). , € 32,194.55 in 2016). Without housing to repay but with a multitude of bank card bills not detailed at € 1,808.80, € 2,086.24 or € 3,691.29. All this without the transport that appear on other lines of the summary of the former union leader, which is two good pages for 2017. Contacted, Pascal Pavageau and Jean-Claude Mailly have not responded.

60 440,94 € over one year for a confederal secretary

There are even more amazing in these accounting documents. Over the 2015-2017 period, some confederal secretaries, unknown to the general public, presented confusing fees. Like this case, which dates from 2015. The cumulation of the notes makes vacillate: 60 440, 94 € on the year. At this price, this frame of FO paid for almost 30 000 € of flights on Air France, including an invoice, dated March 16th, of 11 724,90 €. Two others are consistent: the first to € 7,340.46 on October 15, the other to € 2,861.65 two weeks later. For what reasons ? Mystery. "It's strange, there is no specific detail of these fees in the ledger," says an accountant.

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This same framework continued to frequent airports for the next two years. Its addition to Air France amounts to about € 22,000 in 2016, € 19,000 in 2017. With again, sums of money: for example € 7,737.80 on October 15, 2016 then € 3,728.52 a month later. The following year at the same period: € 3,285.53 on October 16 and € 8,018.85 two weeks later.

Air France invoices at the end of July

She is not alone in being a regular metronome in her bookings from one year to the next. Another executive has become accustomed to heating his CB at the end of July – the 30th or the 31st – to fly on Air France: € 2,216.36 in 2015, € 1,451.84 in 2016 and finally 1 € 713.54 in 2017.

Not to mention this confederal secretary who spends at least once a month, between 440 € and 1 900 € in air tickets. Last year, his travels in the air again cost about € 19,000 to the union.

16920 euros rent in 2015

In others, it is the money spent in hotels that are obvious. In particular in a hotel: the Transcontinental, a two-star hotel located close to the FO headquarters, Avenue du Maine in Paris. In 2015, a federal secretary spent € 7,570. A bill for € 360 appears even a month where, however, a rent of € 1 316 was paid for him. Moreover, the following two years, this executive has left the hotel for a housing at 1 410 € per month. Amount over one year: € 16,920.

What is most surprising in the end is the differences in spending between the confederal secretaries. Because if almost all present five-digit notes, two are, much more reasonable. Like this framework that was not reimbursed last year, only € 3,775.

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